Chrysalis Sep 2018

We have some exciting Chrysalis news! 22 Young Women came to Journey #43 last weekend and the Lord moved in a mighty way. Sarah Tucker and team did a fantastic job. Many of these ladies reconnected to God and are now making disciples in their fourth days.

Young Men’s Journey #35 is fasting approaching as well! September 13-16th 2018 Kelton Coleman is the LD. Send your applications to: Jonathan Bloxom 806-632-4764 There is still room whom can you invite today?

Raffle tickets are at the print shop and will be ready for purchase in the next few weeks. We will have our annual dinner fundraiser December 8th at the Bayer Museum so save the date now you don’t want to miss this fun evening.

We will be doing team selections soon for the 2019 journeys. If you want to be pray fully considered to work these journeys please reach out and let us know. We need you and Christ is counting on you! Who can you invite to these Chrysalises? God is doing a new thing amongst our future leaders 18-25. Who in your circle needs this amazing experience?

This past year has flown for me! October 1st Trapper Burrus will serve Chrysalis as our new LD. It’s such a joy to work with Trapper on the board and I look forward to continuing to serve with him as Former Chrysalis LD for the remainder of 2018 and 2019. I cannot thank the Emmaus/Chrysalis community enough for all your love, prayers, and support that you have given our family during Joe’s cancer journey. He is doing well and is still receiving treatments every 3 weeks. We both have grown so much through these last 5 months. I’d like to share a little about what God has shown me. May this speak to you and bless you as it has me during this journey.

Doing big things for God is not some grand movement to shoot for in the future. Doing big things for God just means doing the very next thing he says. It’s the very next person you need to love on and forgive. It’s the very next person to tell about Jesus. It’s the very next temptation to resist. One decision at a time, we should seek to look at it the way Jesus does and trust him for the results.

Are you surviving life right now, or are you thriving through your life? Survivors tend to think that tomorrow will be easier, tomorrow will work out better, and if they can just get to tomorrow they’re going to be okay.

We’ll always anticipate another tomorrow and tomorrow will never fill us, but remember we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. Only Jesus will bring us fulfillment and peace now in this moment.
God wants us to see with the eyes of Christ right here and now. Only then will we see a purpose for being where he has us at this moment. He tells us to redeem the time, and the time is now. If I have learned anything these past 5 months it is live for Christ in this moment and let tomorrow take care of itself. Much love my friends!

Fly with Christ,
Susan Gillispie
Chrysalis Community LD

Chrysalis August 2018

Bad News or Good News

You know the question…you want the good news or the bad news first?  I tend to always answer the question with tell me the bad first so I can end on the good.  So here it is: Time marches on and generations come and go just as the sun rises and sun sets, we are all going to die and chances are we will not be remembered three generations from now.  Wow you say that’s a depressing thought but truth is apart from God, life is just an event that we have to endure until it’s over. 

Good News is that with a relationship with God life isn’t just something we have to endure until we die but instead life becomes this amazing journey that we get to enjoy as we love God by loving people and serving them as the hands and feet of Jesus.  As we walk this amazing journey of life with God he uses us all in different ways to make a difference and to influence the lives of everyone around us for the kingdom of God. 

So as you ponder this think about how you are living your life.  Is it in the bad news mentality or the good news mentality? Are you just getting by hanging in there in the mundane and possibly even the hard stuff of life or are making the most of everyday with purpose and meaning that leads to something great and amazing such as joy and peace? God wants to bust through our mundane and our hard and He wants to do something new and great. I love the promises of God that we can stand on like this one: Behold, I will do a new thing, and now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.  Isaiah 43:19 and then in Revelation 21:5 He reminds us again that He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”  And He said, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”  God’s words are true and faithful and they can be trusted.  I love that we can believe and trust that He is making all things new and that even though we are dying we can live and have life abundantly here on earth as we wait for our heavenly life.  Are you ready and prepared to enter your eternal heavenly home when you die?  That is really the most important question of the moment.  How about your family and friends?  Are you sharing Jesus with those around you in your circle of influence?  Are you inviting them to go to church with you and have they taken a Chrysalis journey or their walk to Emmaus?  Are you seeing a problem and being the solution?  Are you walking in the joy of the Lord as he brings us the gift of a new day?  God wants to create something new in you today!  He wants to take the mundane of your life and make it new and joyful.  Thank you Father for making all things new!

Chrysalis Updates

We have some exciting Chrysalis news! Our teams for our upcoming Chrysalis journeys are meeting and God is already moving in a mighty way amongst the teams! Young Women’s Journey #43 is fast approaching! August 30-September 2, 2018. Sarah Tucker is the LD. Please invite and send your applications to Kayla Watson,,  806-549-5853.

Young Men’s Journey #35 is fasting approaching as well! September 13-16th 2018 Kelton Coleman is the LD. Send your applications to: Jonathan Bloxom,, 806-632-4764.

We will be doing team selections soon for the 2019 journeys. If you want to be pray fully considered to work these journeys please reach out and let us know. We need you and Christ is counting on you! Please please who can you invite to these Chrysalises? God is doing a new thing amongst our future leaders 18-25.  Who in your circle needs this amazing experience?   

Fly with Christ,

Susan Gillispie
Chrysalis Community LD

Chrysalis July 2018

It’s Not About Me!

I have been a little quiet these past few months. I am still here I promise! Many have reached out in love to check on me. Thank you. The prayers, texts, phone calls and hugs do not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

I have been pondering lots these past few months since Joe’s stage 4 cancer diagnosis. I have had some pretty intense conversations with God since the first of March. I have begged and pleaded with him to give me details of the journey that lies ahead. I want to know the upcoming details of the journey the most when I allow fear of the unknown to creep in. His answer each time I ask hasn’t changed. “My Daughter, if I were to tell you all the plans that I have for you and Joe on this journey, you couldn’t understand or handle it all now!” Trust me and remember I love you and you are never alone. I am here and I will never leave you nor forsake you. Yes God, I know I really do, but could you please just tell me? Please? And, all I hear him say is soon. Soon, in my little annoyed voice, what does that mean God?

Soon in your time what does that mean? And then it hit me…Susan, It’s not about me! I am asking my questions and being consumed by the “me” thinking. People ask me often how are you doing? How are you dealing with this? I am doing ok and I am dealing one moment at a time. But in reality, the plain and simple truth is that I am just a tiny speck on the big screen of life and only God has the capacity to see all of it. He saw all that came before us and sees all that will come after us, and only He can know the role that each of us can play that will best serve Him and each other.

So what, my life and Joe’s isn’t ideal by our standards right now. But it’s not about me or Joe. It’s about what He can do with our life. It’s about serving Him and each other. I have learned a lot about myself, my faith, and my perspective. Nothing about my life is about me; it’s about who He needs me to be.

And how can I complain about that! So as far as I am concerned, this journey that stretches me beyond what I think is my capacity to be stretched, in reality is a blessing in disguise. Walking into the cancer center allows me to bring His presence into a place of hardship and pain and bring light amongst the darkness. Others can see the smile and God’s love through our linked journeys and most times we do not even have to say anything. They feel God’s presence through a simple act of kindness or a simple hello or a simple smile because in that moment it’s not about me and our journey it’s about being the hands and feet of Jesus in their journey!

When I think of our community I think of Matthew 18:20 when Jesus said, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst.” Community is the people we love and the people that we come into contact with each day. These people that we love are in the community of our hearts and are those who are gathered with God in their hearts. Why and how can that be? Because we all share that common bond of love and belief! We are yoked together whether we are physically together or not. I truly believe that, because I have experienced it big and bold these past few months.

So what’s my point and how does it tie into our Emmaus community? Jesus told us to do this life together, as a community. And because of Him, there are no boundaries. There is only the common bond of belief and love. What are we to do with this common bond of belief and love?…go make disciples! Yep go! Our guest pastor Sunday said he believes there are 6 love languages and the 6th one is obedience. Yep obey…. go make disciples! Go invite our friends and strangers that cross our path to the next Chrysalis journey or the next Walk to Emmaus. Or even better, also do life with them! Invite them to coffee or dinner or to your next reunion group meeting. See their problem and be the answer. And I must pause and remember when they react not the way I feel they should, I should extend grace because remember it’s not about me! Community I love you big and you love us big! Thank you, for my heart is full and the blessings are there daily in the journey.


We have some exciting Chrysalis news! Our teams for our upcoming Chrysalis journeys are meeting and God is already moving in a mighty way amongst the teams! Young Women’s Journey #43 is fast approaching! August 30-September 2, 2018. Sarah Tucker is the LD. Please invite and send your applications to Kayla Watson 2610 Milwaukee Ave 14A Lubbock, TX 79407

Young Men’s Journey #35 is fasting approaching as well! September 13-16th 2018 Kelton Coleman is the LD. Send your applications to: Jonathan Bloxom 2722 Frankford Ave. Apt. 501 Lubbock, TX 79407 806-632-4764

We will be doing team selections soon for the 2019 journeys. If you want to be pray fully considered to work these journeys please reach out and let us know. We need you and Christ is counting on you!

Fly with Christ,
Susan Gillispie
Chrysalis Community LD

Chrysalis May 2018

Good day Emmaus Community! This is the day the Lord has made and I am grateful I can rejoice in it.

It’s send off day for our Young men’s journey. This weekend is going to be AWEsome! This journey is full and these young men’s lives are going to be changed as they remember and learn more about being the disciples of Christ.

Make plans now to share in this journey. Attend send off tonight at 6:30 then Saturday at 6 pm help bless the Chrysalis ministry by participating in the fajita fundraiser dinner. Plates are $10 and all donations go to sponsor all our caterpillars for these journeys. 35 young men are attending free this weekend because of the Chrysalis scholarship program and your generous contributions.

Right after the fajita dinner then I ask that you walk across the street and allow the Lord to bless you by being a blessing to these caterpillars at candlelight. Come back Sunday at 4 to hear the amazing testimonies that will come from this journey. The team and the Emmaus and Chrysalis boards appreciate your prayers this weekend. Holy Spirit come and fill our hearts!

“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”
‭‭John‬ ‭12:26‬ ‭ESV‬‬

On a personal note Joe and I have been so blessed by all the love, support, texts, meals, and prayers as he walks victoriously through this cancer journey. He is receiving his chemo round 2 today. My personal thanks to the Chrysalis Board and the Emmaus board for all that you have done for us and for stepping in and covering for me this weekend.

Fly with Christ,

Susan Gillispie
Chrysalis Community LD

Chrysalis April 2018

Consider It All Joy

This is the day the Lord has made, I will BE GLAD AND REJOICE IN IT!

Do I really mean that? Even if the wind and dirt is blowing only how it can in Lubbock, TX? Even if my husband received his first cycle of chemo? Yes, finding joy and peace in all things, is something I have had to faithfully practice moment by moment this past month and then will continue to do so in the days and months ahead. Many of you have been on your knees praying for my family, loving us, feeding us, and supporting us through this new journey we must walk.

March 21st my husband, Joe Gillispie, was diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer and yet we can choose to rejoice and we can consider it all joy. The peace that passes all understanding is active and we can experience it as we trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will make our paths straight. God is with us always even until the end of the world.

Friends, God is Faithful and His works will be displayed through this journey. We are at peace and we are standing on the promises of God.

We have some exciting Chrysalis news! Young Men’s Journey #34 is fasting approaching! May 3-6 2018 and Ryan Rathmann is the LD. We have many signed up but there is still room for more. Send your applications to: Jonathan Bloxom 2722 Frankford Ave. Apt. 501 Lubbock, TX 79407. 806-632-4764

That is a weekend that you can participate in, so make plans now! Saturday May 5th at 6 pm at the St. Joseph Hall 21st and Division St. Slaton, TX we will be hosting a Chrysalis Fajita Scholarship Fundraising Dinner. We need your support! All of our caterpillars attend our Chrysalis journeys free of charge and that is because of the fundraising dinners that we host and you support during the year. So please come enjoy food and fellowship and then slide on over to the church for the community candlelight service for the boy’s journey that will be happening at 8 that evening.

Plates are a minimum donation of $10. The raffle drawing will also be held that evening so if you haven’t purchased your raffle tickets yet please see a board member or you may purchase them at the door. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. See any Chrysalis board member to purchase yours. The items that are to be raffled are:

  • Savage Arms 10 Savage Ashbury Precision 6.5 Creedmoor Rifle MRSP $1799 (subject to rules and regulation background check)
  • Green Mountain Smoker valued up to $1000.
  • Various Red Raider Meat packages valued from $200-360
  • DE Walt 20Vmax Lithium Ion-4tool Combo Kit
  • Relax, Refresh, and Revive Gift Basket includes Two 60 minute Swedish Massages by Ally Mae Massages, $200 Gift Card for a Vision Pro Residential House Cleaning, $200 All Seasons Property Care Gift Card for flower landscaping, total value of gift basket $510.
  • $100 Thacker Jewelry Gift Card.

As I close I am reminded this past month why we should teach the young adults the importance of finding a church and being an active part of your church community and your Chrysalis/Emmaus reunion group. They need to know go to the socials and invest in each other. Those early years of going to college together, getting married, having babies, playing t-ball and eating at Chuck E Cheese forms a tight bond and stronghold for things to come. As we grow we might not get to see each other weekly or monthly anymore but what will happen is these Chrysalis and Emmaus relationships’ support and love holds true for a lifetime. Then when the battle comes and your family faces it head on you won’t be alone.

These community relationships truly are bound together through love. My family would not have made it through this past month and the months ahead without this strong bond and love. God’s love active through the body of Christ. So whose young life can you impact for eternity just by inviting them to a Chrysalis or a walk to Emmaus? Don’t waste another moment ask and they will come. I am grateful for these relationships. Let’s share God’s love with those around us.

Fly with Christ,

Susan Gillispie
Chrysalis Community LD