Chrysalis – August 2015

Denise ChumleyAugust is once again upon us and the first day of school is just around the corner. Whether it is kindergarten or stepping onto a college campus and everything in between, there is a certain excitement and expectation of the coming school year. I think we all have that excitement and expectation when it comes to a Chrysalis Journey or a Walk to Emmaus. Some of us know what to expect, but it is always a new and refreshing thing to encounter Jesus again and again in “the same only different” way. I pray that we can all keep that excitement going long into our Fourth Days after we have been involved in working a weekend. There is nothing like it for sure!

Donna Burt is hard at it, getting her team ready for upcoming Young Women’s Journey #37 on September 3-6. Jason Lindeman is also working very diligently getting his team together for the Young Men’s Journey which will be September 17-20. Team meetings have begun and we have caterpillars already signed up. But what we’d really like is to have a waiting list for the January Journeys. Remember that the Chrysalis Journeys are all on a scholarship basis and there is no cost to send a young woman or man on a Chrysalis weekend. If you have questions on how to get an application or scholarship form, please let me know and I will get you the information.

It’s never too early to be thinking about Christmas and all that goes with that time of year. I want to put a bug in your ear about our Annual Scholarship Dinner. It will be held December 12 at the Bayer Crop Science Museum of Agriculture. It is come and go from 5:30-9:00 p.m. Tickets are $30 and you have a choice of Prime Rib, Pork Loin or Steak with all the fixins, drinks and entertainment. Please see any Chrysalis Board member for tickets or more information. All funds go directly into our Scholarship fund for future Journeys. I thank you in advance for your support.

Again, if you have any questions about Chrysalis, please let me know and I will do whatever I can to get them answered.

Fly with Christ!

Denise Chumley