2015 is almost half way over. Seems like we were wishing everyone a Happy New Year just the other day. It’s crazy how fast time seems to go when we’re all so busy with this, that or the other.
“Be still, and know that I am God!” is one of those verses that seems so simple. If we could slow down and actually live this verse on a daily basis, maybe we could enjoy the time that is flying by a whole lot more knowing that God wants to be a part of our lives. Finding the time to “be still” seems to be the elusive task. Maybe sticky notes placed strategically throughout my house and desk will help with remembering that. I hope and pray that it will.
Chrysalis is in between Journeys for the time being, and I would encourage everyone to pray for a renewed interest in Chrysalis and what it can mean for our young people. We have had to place the High School Flights on hold for now due to a lack of Caterpillars. The last Young Men’s Journey did not happen due to timing and other factors. It hurts our hearts when we have to call a Journey because there weren’t enough young folks signed up. These young people are the future leaders of homes, families, businesses and yes, even government. Chrysalis is one of many tools that can be used to help ensure that these leaders have the foundation of Jesus Christ to make decisions in life that will inevitably affect us all. I hope that you will join the Chrysalis Board in praying that we will soon have waiting lists for our Journeys and many more lives will be transformed by the experiences had on a Chrysalis.
Again, if you have any questions about Chrysalis, please let me know and I will do whatever I can to get them answered.
Fly with Christ!
Denise Chumley