Good day Emmaus Community! This is the day the Lord has made and I am grateful I can rejoice in it.
It’s send off day for our Young men’s journey. This weekend is going to be AWEsome! This journey is full and these young men’s lives are going to be changed as they remember and learn more about being the disciples of Christ.
Make plans now to share in this journey. Attend send off tonight at 6:30 then Saturday at 6 pm help bless the Chrysalis ministry by participating in the fajita fundraiser dinner. Plates are $10 and all donations go to sponsor all our caterpillars for these journeys. 35 young men are attending free this weekend because of the Chrysalis scholarship program and your generous contributions.
Right after the fajita dinner then I ask that you walk across the street and allow the Lord to bless you by being a blessing to these caterpillars at candlelight. Come back Sunday at 4 to hear the amazing testimonies that will come from this journey. The team and the Emmaus and Chrysalis boards appreciate your prayers this weekend. Holy Spirit come and fill our hearts!
“If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”
John 12:26 ESV
On a personal note Joe and I have been so blessed by all the love, support, texts, meals, and prayers as he walks victoriously through this cancer journey. He is receiving his chemo round 2 today. My personal thanks to the Chrysalis Board and the Emmaus board for all that you have done for us and for stepping in and covering for me this weekend.
Fly with Christ,
Susan Gillispie
Chrysalis Community LD