This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Our church went from the darkness of Friday night to the glorious beauty of Sunday morning. Our church looked so pretty decorated in its Easter finery and the message that God loved us so much that he gave his only son for us. WOW!
Let us rejoice each day in all the things God has given us. And make sure we thank him daily. Each of us have so many blessings; it is hard to name them all, and I am afraid that I do take them for granted at times.
It is a new year!!! On April 1, 2018, the Emmaus community has a new community lay director and four new board members.
My name is Donna Campbell, and I am so honored to be able to serve as your Community Lay director for the year 2018/2019. Remember, God will open new doors when old ones are closed. Be open to new opportunities and directions in your life. I do not think this was on my five year plan, but I am so excited about this blessing in my life.
Thank you retiring board members: Margaret Rohde, Judy Van Gilder and Rick Pinkerton.
Thank you for your service.
And, we welcome the new board members: Jan Watts, Judy Butcher, Mark Meurer and Monty Linder. We look forward to working with them during the upcoming year.
Could you please make a commitment to sponsor at least one pilgrim during the upcoming year? There are so many of your friends, church people, co-workers who could be strengthened and blessed by attending an Emmaus weekend. Please pray about it.
The website ( has a lot of information about community gatherings, upcoming walk dates and applications for sponsorship. Please go and check it out. If you receive this newsletter, you are on the e-mail list. Check with your Emmaus friends to make sure they are getting the newsletter also. If they do not, give them the website and there is a place for them to sign up. Also, we are on Facebook.
April 6-8, 2018 – Outside Kairos #15 This is a great ministry for women. If you have not worked an Outside Kairos, there are several of us who can tell you more about it.
April 12-15, 2018 – Men’s Walk #101 The agape book is full, but they can always use baked goods. There are still some spots available if you know of a man who needs a weekend of strengthening, blessings and agape love.
April 5, 2018 Oakwood Methodist Church, 2215 58th Street. Bring food for the Community Meal (6:30); worship will begin at 7:15
If you wish to get a phone reminder of the upcoming Community gatherings, please send me an e-mail telling of the phone number you wish the phone blast to call. Make sure the number will accept a voice message. We are updating the database. My e-mail is
If you have any questions, please feel free to seek me or one of the board members. We do welcome your comments and suggestions.
But, in closing, we do request you to continue to keep the Board in your prayers as they go about the business side of Emmaus.
De Colores,
Donna Campbell