What a difference a day makes. Remember that Wednesday, the wind blew so much. I moved to Lubbock from Beaumont. When we had wind that fast, we were putting the plywood on the windows, there was a hurricane coming. On that Wednesday, we were delivering food. Picture the wind, the flimsy plastic to go boxes, cartons of milk, newspaper and, of course that was the day we had to deliver the new menus, too. We made it without any incident, until the very last stop. I was not thinking. I pulled to the stop, going with the wind. My passenger opened the door and, yes, the wind got it. Lucky, it was still on and yes we could open the door. But what a sound it made.
The next day, I was going east to Benjamin, not a care in the world, (I did not need to open the passenger side). I was watching where I was going, but, wow, all of a sudden, I noticed how blue and calm the sky was. I think it was double the normal blue. Such beauty. What a difference from the day before. I made sure that I noticed the beauty around me as I made my way east.
This is my last newsletter. I have thoroughly enjoyed my year as Community Lay Director. I got to interact with so many wonderful people. I got to see the beauty of the Emmaus Weekend from a different point of view. I more fully appreciate all the planning and praying that has gone into the making of this weekend. Llano Estacado Emmaus will be celebrating 30 years in 2020. I went on my walk in 94 (I think) Walk #28. The talks that I heard then are basically the talks that are being done today. Of course, the personal items are different, but the basic outline remains much the same. The basic items of the walk are the same, with some changes. Candlelight still blows everyone away, both pilgrims and the community. And, of course the amount of food is the same, way too much. But I think we tried to eat all of it. Yes, I had the Thursday night of silence, but I was so tired that I fell asleep before I could think about it.
Take your Emmaus experience back to your church. Emmaus is meant to uplift, strengthen and revitalize church leaders. Emmaus is not meant to take the place of your church. Share your experience with others by sponsoring them.
There are so many ways for you to get involved in Emmaus. I made a list of all the committees that I could think of and I think I have added several more. I am sure your talents can be utilized. Contact a board member. (Check out the website for board member information).
Prayer is such a vital part of the Emmaus weekend. Please sign up for the prayer vigil. You will get an email reminding you of your time. Can you pray for 30 minutes? Of course, you can. Prayer is talking to God and He listens. You can do that.
Please welcome Karen Cox, as the new Community Lay Director. She has the biggest heart that I have come across in a long time. As much as I am “Martha”, she is “Mary”. We have been transitioning these past few weeks. I am so honored that she considers me a friend. Get to know her. You will be glad you did.
P.S. My door was getting worse, so I ended up sitting in the back seat. I am so blessed that I have a husband that can fix anything. My door is like new now and I am more careful how I park my car when the wind is blowing. At least for now!
I am Past Lay Director now, so I will still be around. Thank you for your help this past year.
Facebook: Llano Estacado Chrysalis/Emmaus
Kairos Outside #17 April 5 – 7 Melissa Wachholtz
Men’s Walk #104 April 11 – 14 Troy Brooks Lay Director
Young Men’s Chrysalis #36 May 2 -5 Jonny Hutson
Kairos #41 May 16 – 19
Women’s Walk #149 June 20 – 23 Jennifer Cline Lay Director
Community Meetings
April 4, 2019. Broadway Church of Christ, 1924 Broadway. Please join us for at 6:30 for a Community meal (Please bring food to share) followed by worship at 7:15.
PHONE BLAST Community Meeting Reminder: 11:00 AM Wednesday, April 3, 2019. The phone blast is always on the first Wednesday of the month at 11:00 AM. You will get a call from 806-634-5944.
If you wish to get a phone reminder of the upcoming Community gatherings, please send me an e-mail telling of the phone number you wish the phone blast to call. Make sure the number will accept a voice message. My e-mail is glendonnacampb@speednet.com.
Service Opportunities:
Reunion Group Coordinator – We need to update the reunion groups listed on the website. This person would talk to members at community and/or pass a clipboard at community, perhaps a facebook posting.
Media Person: We need someone to run the power point presentation at Candlelight, Community Meetings and closings. Knowledge of computers, power point, and flexibility is very helpful. We are looking to get several persons to help so spread out the responsibility. Please pray about helping. You will get training from Kat McCoy
De Colores,
Donna Campbell