Hello Emmaus Community!!

I pray everyone is staying healthy and blessed. We are doing great and we are blessed for sure. It is great that the temperature has dropped to double digits and cooling down in the evenings. What a great community meeting we had in July! The music and fellowship were wonderful.
The scripture I would like to share is Philippians 4:6-8, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally brethren , whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise worthy-meditate on these things.” If you watch the news, there is only fear and panic. Put all your trust is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
It is unfortunate, but it was decided by the board that Women’s Walk 154, August 6-9 had to be cancelled due to concerns over Covid-19. It was with great sadness. The team for this walk has been moved to August of 2021. Please pray with us that the walks on our schedule for the rest of this year will take place as scheduled.
A few weeks ago a friend of ours in New Mexico was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer and sent home under hospice care. She was not a believer. Bonnie and I discussed and prayed over the situation and decided to make a quick trip to our cabin, praying for one last chance to talk with her about Christ. We requested prayer from many friends and headed to New Mexico. God prepared the way and Bonnie was able to lead her in prayer. It was a beautiful example of God’s Prevenient Grace. After the prayer, she drifted off to sleep and passed 4 days later. When God gives you an opportunity to be a witness to someone, don’t pass it up, even if it is inconvenient and a 12 hour drive round trip.
Our next Community meeting will be August 6th at Canyon United Methodist Church, 217 Farm to Market Road 1729. The Board meeting will be at 5:45 with the Community meeting at 7pm. There will not be a meal. I hope to see you there. May God richly bless each one of you and keep you in His almighty hand.
Troy Brooks
Community Lay Director