Have you had a small cut on your hand, foot, etc. How many times do you bump it on something? Do you hit it more because it is sore, or do you just notice it because it is sore? It sure seems like it attracts something to hit it on. I am trying to sew this week and good grief, I seem to hit that spot every time I turn around. But when I do hit it, I am reminded how I got the sore. I was in the field pulling weeds for the harvest. The weather was cool, sky was blue and I was enjoying being outside. Also, I was saying again, “I am going to hoe those weeds before they get too big.” Like I do each harvest time. Walking up and down the rows gives you time to reflect on several things. I tried with the music, but I could not get the hang of it, so it is just God and me walking up and down. I know you know, but I know God has a master plan. The tumbleweeds are big, unfortunately, but they have no roots. One kick with the shoe and they are gone. Of course, it really helps if the farmer in the next field works on his weeds also.
“These things I have spoken to you that my joy may remain in you, and your joy may be full.” John 15:11
Christ desires that our joy “may be full.” Not partial, not fleeting, but full. Christ is the giver of joy, and the truths He taught, especially His promises, were given so that His joy might remain in us. The joy He gives is a kind that lasts, a kind that can buoy us upward when crises threaten to pull us downward.
Joy is not a matter of what’s happening around you, but inside you. In your heart and mind, are you focused upon Jesus, His words, His promises? If you are, then you will know joy.
The holiday season is here. I wish you Joy, peace and love now and in the coming days.
Merry Christmas.
PS. If you wish some of this joy, I am still pulling weeds and I would not turn down any help.
Young Women’s Chrysalis #44 Jan 3 – Jan 6
Men’s Walk #103 January 17 – 20 David Powell Lay Director
Women’s Walk #148 February 14 – 17 Debbie Paxton Lay Director
Karios Outside #17 April 5 – 7
Men’s Walk #104 April 11 – 14 Troy Brooks Lay Director
Young Men’s Chrysalis #36 May 2 -5
Kairos #41 May 16 – 19
Women’s Walk #149 June 20 – 23 Jennifer Cline Lay Director
Community Meetings
December 6, Agape Methodist Church, 1215 Slide Road, Lubbock. Bring food to share at the community meal at 6:30; followed by worship at 7:15
Please, we need help in setting up tables, chairs and food for the December 6 meeting. If you could come early, it will be greatly appreciated. Park on the back of the church on the east side and enter through the fellowship hall. Board Members, you will need to enter through the front door, though, if you arrive before 6:00. There is a day care facility at the church which will prohibit going from the fellowship hall to the church before 6.
If you wish to get a phone reminder of the upcoming Community gatherings, please send me an e-mail telling of the phone number you wish the phone blast to call. Make sure the number will accept a voice message. My e-mail is glendonnacampb@speednet.com.
Service Opportunities:
Media Person: We need someone to run the power point presentation at Candlelight, Community Meetings and closings. Knowledge of computers, power point, and flexibility is very helpful. We are looking to get several persons to help so spread out the responsibility. Please pray about helping. You will get training from Francis Daniels. Please see Francis or me.
Men’s registrar: Margaret Rohde has to step down from this responsibility. She has done it for several years. This position requires computer knowledge, organization and flexibility. This position gathers the information about the pilgrims and communicates with the sponsors and team of each men’s walk. If you feel led, please give me a call. This is a very blessed position.
Thank you, Margaret, for your service to the Emmaus Community and your ever present smile that you give so freely.
De Colores,
Donna Campbell