Happy New Year!
I hope and pray that you are all well. I hope and pray that the Lord is inspiring you and encouraging you to follow Him more and more. By the way, that doesn’t depend on Him… He is always doing His part. It depends on our obedience. Hang in there!
I am truly amazed at how fast time is passing. We have had a lot happen in the new year and it is only one month old. We have had a Young Women’s Chrysalis Journey, a Men’s Walk, and as I write this , there is a Young Men’s Chrysalis Journey going on. God is so good and faithful.
It doesn’t stop there. We have our monthly Community Gathering on Thursday, February 4th at the First Baptist Church in Tahoka. The meal starts at 6:30 and the meeting will start at 7:30 to 7:45. Bring your favorite snack or meal to share. After that, Ginger Light and her team will put on a Women’s Walk February 18 – 21. Please come support them.
Lastly, as you may recall, we have really been pushing involvement in a Reunion group or some other accountability group. I can’t emphasize it enough. It can make a lasting difference in all of our lives. If you don’t have one, look on the Reunion Groups page on this website. There is a list of men’s and women’s reunion groups that are willing to accept new members. Check it out.
See you at Community!
De Colores,
Frank McLelland