It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
~ Galations 5:1
Happy Independence Day!!! I recently had a discussion (argument truthfully) with a former high school classmate of mine about our “free” country. He brought up some very valid points about how we are not truly free. One being how everything we do is regulated somehow or another. We literally can’t leave our home without someone else’s will or laws being imposed on us in some form or fashion. He went on with his two page rant on Facebook over the course of an hour or so. I read all of his arguments, agreed with some but not all and finally wrote this in response to him. “I refer to our country as free for lack of a better term to better describe what we enjoy here in the USA that is different from anywhere else on Earth. If you are looking to some governmental entity or organization to define your freedom, you are never going to find it. Jesus Christ is who set me free, not any man here on this planet.” Upon reading that, he private messaged me and we began talking about faith and freedom more in depth. He thanked me for being willing to stand up for what I believed and for helping him understand better what that meant. So I encourage all of you, be FREE in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!
A heartfelt thank you to LaFonda Stephens and Ted Wilson for a very successful women’s walk #125 and an enormous welcome to all of the new babe chicks as well! God’s Grace was very present during those ladies testimony and I thank all of you who prayed and showed up at candlelight and closing.
Remember, our next community gathering has been moved to July 11 and we will eat at 6:30. Everybody bring some great food and I look forward to seeing each one of you!
Love and blessings to all,
Chad Oglesby