I had an opportunity to go to a barbecue last month where several companies were thanking their customers for using their services. It was a huge gathering and the brothers who all own different businesses were the cooks of the fajitas and all the veggies and it smelled so good. You could tell it was a family unit and they were so very polite and welcoming. They had games for the kids going on everywhere. It was nice and shady as they were at one of the brother’s warehouses. They had all their lights out in trees, all kinds of tables set up, big umbrellas everywhere. The ladies had prepared wonderful dishes and lovely desserts too. It was time to eat and we followed the crowd. I had followed two friends out there from Lubbock and we were stationed at a big long high table with high chairs and we got back with our food and it was so good. Be mindful now, I just had stitches from below my nose to my upper lip and could barely chew very well. A big gust of wind burst through our table and I was looking down and held my plate, raised my head to see what was happening and all I remember were two plates of food in my face. I just shook my head and laughed, the whole placed laughed… yes, I did go clean up the left overs on me off.
What touched my heart the most that day was a little 4-year-old boy. He said to me, “you funny, you got dirty.” I said “I sure do and I smell like a fajita”. He goes “yay”. Immediately he smiled at me and I smiled back as big as he smiled at me. I came back to sit down at our table. As he went by me, he only had one arm and no legs and he had special braces for him, he could crawl on the ground real fast and he looked up at me and waved as he walked away to play. I waved both hands at him. I thought Oh Lord help him; he can become an overcomer in Christ Jesus in You. I watched him till the sun was about to set. He wanted to play washers… he would stand right over it and slam that washer right into the box and lift his hand into the air and say Yay whether it went in or not. As the band began to play and the sun was getting lower and lower with the orange background, I could see him beside the band playing his hand as if he were playing the guitar and he was spinning and dancing and it made him shine like a jewel… in the beauty of the sunset.
May the Lord bless this child who is an overcomer in his circumstances of life…in the Name of Jesus Christ and to You Be the Glory Lord. Amen.
July 11th Oakwood Methodist…2215 58th …806-792-3321
• Aug. 1st Mercy Retreat Center…Slaton TX, service in dining room after send off
• Sept. 5th Indiana Ave. Baptist Church…9705 Indiana Ave. 797-9704
(go to the back of the church on NE side to park, enter from the back) at IABC
• Oct. 3rd Agape Methodist Church 1215 Slide Rd. 799-8691
• Nov. 7th Hope Lutheran 5700 98th 798-2747
• Dec 5th Canyon UMC 217 Farm to Market RD 1729 763-0519
New Hours Now in Place!!!
6:00 Babe Chick Meeting 6:00 Meals 7:00 to 8:00 Worship
Phone Blast: Reminders occur on the first Wednesday of the month@ 11:00am. Donna Campbell is phone blaster. If you would like to receive this monthly reminder please contact her at 806-789-1008.
Board Members: Community members please feel free to contact any members with any questions you may have.
Media Person: We still need your help 6-8 people desperately for those of you who have media talents…so we can have a rotation of members to take the load off of one person. We need a team of people who could be on a rotation and bring unity of balance for those who serve in this capacity. Contact Donna Campbell, 806-789-1008.
Upcoming Walks
• June 20-23, 2019 Women’s Walk #149, Jennifer Kline
• August 1-4, 2019 Women’s Walk #150, Shelly Walker
• August 29-9/01, 2019 Young Women’s Chrysalis #45, Cindy Hunt
• September 12-15, 2019 Young Men’s Chrysalis #37, Chad Grimes
• September 19-22, 2019 Men’s Walk #105, Wade Bouffard
• September 27-29, 2019, Kairos Outside #18, Ronda Menefee
• October 24-27, 2019 Women’s Walk #151, Laurie McCabe
• November 07-10, Kairos #42
De Colores,
Karen Cox
Community Lay Director