From the Desk of the Lay Director – June 2013

Memorial DayThere is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
~ John 15:13, NLT

As I sit here enjoying this Memorial Day, this scripture really brings it home for me.This holiday originated as Decoration Day and was to honor the fallen soldiers of the confederate war. It has evolved for some into just a long weekend, a mark of the beginning of summer or even a time to get together with family and barbeque. I think it is very important to recognize what the true meaning of the day is and that is the recognition of those who have given their lives in defense of our country for generations. These people laid their lives down that others may continue to enjoy the same freedoms they did. How Christlike is that? Jesus Christ laid down His life that All may live and be free, but free from so much more than just tyranny or dictatorial rule. He gave His life that we might be free from sin and death. So my prayer is that every Memorial day from now on you remember those who have sacrificed on your behalf, on my behalf and remember that Jesus gave it all, that we may have it all.

I have exciting news! Last month I talked about change and this month I am happy to tell you about it. June 6th is our next community gathering at First Baptist Shallowater and we are going to change things up. We will start with the meal that is going to be cooked by some of the men from Tahoka with Branded Ministries. There will be burgers and all the fixin’s, chips and drinks. We would ask that you bring a dessert to share. We will start 30 minutes earlier than usual at 6:30. At 7:30 we will have a time of communion together then we will dismiss and go home. I pray you will join us and I am looking forward to what God has in store for us all!

Our July community gathering has been moved from July 4th to July 11th. Be sure and mark your calendars!

Blessings and love, see you June 6th!

Chad Oglesby