De Colores Community,
As I learn more about my role in God’s plan for my life I find that prayer, study, and community are the pillars of my journey.
At the May Community Gathering I shared with a few of you that I had been going through a very difficult time. Due to the nature of the situation I could not share details regarding what I was going through, however; I knew that simply stating that I was facing a challenge would give others an opportunity to lift me and the situation up in prayer. You see, God and only God knows every situation, and He hears our prayers.
I dug in deep and studied the situation learning everything that I could to communicate effectively with the proper people involved. I began praying more often and specifically about how God would have me respond to the situation. I consulted with my closest confidants within my inner community. I sought their guidance and asked for their prayers. And I am certain that God responded with an answer to our prayers with a resolution to this difficult situation in a manner which is pleasing to Him. Now I can rejoice in knowing that through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I am for this time in the presence of God and He is standing with me. I know that this could not have been accomplished without prayer, study, and community.
Now I am finally back to a place where I can focus on kingdom work in my role as Community Lay Director. And I chose to do so with prayer, study and community!
Did you know that Emmaus has a Mission?
Empowering Leaders to be the hands and feet of Christ
Emmaus also has a vision…
Fourth Day Leaders Embodying Jesus Christ
Over the years that I have been involved in our community I have had the pleasure of knowing many of you and seeing several of you serve in leadership roles. Whether it be on Walks, Journeys, Kairos, Kairos Outside or Epiphany teams, or serving on one of the boards supporting these ministries I have seen your leadership shine. You may have served in the capacity of team member on a table or outside team participant. It could have been as an angel giving a portion of your time at a critical point in a weekend, or at a community gathering. In all cases, you are and have been Empowered Leaders Embodying Jesus Christ to our community and to the greater community of believers. Thank you for giving to the Lord!
Presently we have a few vacancies on the Emmaus Board and we are looking for some of you to step forward rising to answer this calling. I ask that each of you be in prayer and to please consider your response to Christ call to leadership in this capacity. You might recall those simple words on the back of the cross that you received on your walk or journey, ‘Christ is counting on you.’ Trust me, He is…
As many of you are aware Emmaus is a ministry of the Upper Room. Earlier this month I received a communication from the Upper Room regarding four new critical roles within the Emmaus Community Support System. These include Communicators, Community Trainers, Start-Up Trainers, and Consultants/Coaches. Over the next few months we will receive and share more information regarding these new roles from the Upper Room. Please begin praying for the people who will fill these roles supporting our community.
Women’s walk #141 led by Margaret Rhode will be June 15 -18 at the Mercy Center in Slaton, TX. This team is well prepared to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. Although we have several pilgrims already on the roster we have plenty of room and are needing your help in filling this walk to capacity. Pray about who Jesus would have you ask to go on this walk. Study your contacts and listen to the Holy Spirit guide you. Reach out to your inner community and support each other through prayer as you ask potential pilgrims to join Margaret and the team on this weekend. We already know that God has hand-picked the pilgrims, He just needs your voice, your hands and your feet to spring into action.
We have several upcoming events / opportunities to serve. Please be in prayer for each of these and be prepared to answer the call to be the hands and feet of Jesus as you are called to serve.
- June Community Gathering
- Thursday, June 8 (Please note we are moving this month’s meeting to the 2nd Thursday)
- First Baptist Church – Tahoka Texas
- 1701 Ave K, Tahoka, TX 79373
- Women’s walk #141 – Margaret Rhode, Lay Director
- June 15 – 18, 2017
- July Community Gathering
- Thursday, July 6
- Harvest Christian Fellowship – Lubbock Texas
- 7116 82nd St, Lubbock, TX 79424
In Christ Love,
Rod Smith