From the Desk of the Lay Director – June 2018

It is hard to believe that it is still not summer.  I do not think I want to live on the equator. But today, the wind was still blowing but it was cooler.  It was nice to be outside, but knowing if I got too hot I could go inside with the air conditioner.  I am spoiled.  Air conditioning we take for granted, until we do not have it.  It is hard to remember the days when I was in grade school, all we had was the attic fan.  We slept with the windows open.  Remember Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”.  I slept under my bed and, to this day, when there is a large gathering of birds, I still get nervous.  But, yes, I watch it again when it comes on.  Memories are so unique.  The smell of the skunk.  Most people do not like it.  I remember going to my grandparents.  We always arrived after midnight.  They lived in the country and, there was the smell of a skunk when we got within five miles.  To this day, when I smell a skunk, I look up to see if I am near my grandparent’s house. Life is about the wonderful memories we have.  We can remember them as good or we can remember them as half empty. 

We have the opportunity to create new memories with our families, our friends or the people we pass on the street.  Not all of us will have the opportunity to create world peace, find the cure for cancer or eliminate the calories in chocolate, but we do have the opportunity to make “disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” 

Poppy Beard, (you know how awesome she is.  If you do not know her, make it a point to do so.  So much love and energy for the Lord) has ten women from her ministry who would love to have a stronger relationship with the Lord and would like to attend Women’s Walk #145.  There is room on the walk for them.  I know the team will be blessed by their presence.  Unfortunately, they only have funds for one-half of the cost of the walk.  Could you please pray to consider financially sponsoring one of these women.  Poppy will have the other areas of sponsorship covered.  If you cannot pay one half ($87.50), please give what you can.  “This poor widow put in two very small copper coins.”  Luke 21:1-4.

You may mail me a check, payable to Emmaus (8605 North County Road 3900, Lorenzo, TX 79343) or put your contribution in an envelope and write on the front of the envelope Women’s Walk #145 at Community on June 7.  Blessings to you!

Want to get involved:

Emmaus is looking for persons to fill the following committee positions:

Reunion Group Coordinator:  This person helps keep the reunion lists on the website up to date.  Will involve talking to community members about their reunion groups, pass an information sheet around at community and sending the information in to be updated on Website.

This will help babe chicks or other members get connected with a reunion group.

Nominations Committee:  Emmaus is looking for two people from the Community to serve on the Nominating Committee with the three Board members.  This is a one year term and this committee is responsible for nominating Board Members of the Class of 2022 and Lay Directors for the rest of 2019 and for 2020.

Please contact me or a Board Member if you are interested or want more information.  Please pray about filling these positions.

Facebook:  Llano Estacado Chrysalis/Emmaus


June 14-17 Women’s Walk #145

August 2-5 Women’s Walk #146

August 30-Sep 2 Young Women’s Journey #43

September 13-16 Young Men’s Journey #35

September 20-23 Men’s Walk #102

Community Meetings:

June 7, 2018, Broadway Church of Christ 1924 Broadway.  Bring food for the community meal, which will start at 6:30, followed by worship at 7:15.

July 5, 2018 Westmont Christian Church 4808 Utica.

August 2, 2018, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, across from Mercy Center.  Please celebrate the send off of Women’s Walk #146.  We will meet on the patio of Mercy Center at 6:30 to cheer the pilgrims and team.  There will be no Community meal, but please consider bringing food agape for the Walk.  Remember all the goodies you had on your walk.  Worship should begin at 7:15 or a little after.

If you wish to get a phone reminder of the upcoming Community gatherings, please send me an e-mail telling of the phone number you wish the phone blast to call.  Make sure the number will accept a voice message.  There were so many incorrect numbers on the database so we are trying to get it updated. My e-mail is

If you have any questions, please feel free to seek me or one of the board members.  We do welcome your comments and suggestions.  We are working on putting the Board e –mail information on the Website so you may access it if you want to contact one of us.

Please continue to keep the Board in your prayers as they go about the business side of Emmaus. And of course, please pray for rain.

De Colores,

Donna Campbell