Good morning Llano Emmaus Community,
I pray you all are doing well and had a great Memorial Day weekend remembering those that gave their all for our freedom. We experienced Hebrews 13:1-2 “Let brotherly love continue. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so many have entertained angels without knowing it.” We hope to be able to pay it forward.
We went to Amarillo for an AKC dog agility show. Taffy, our rescue dog (a Border Terrier/Cairn Terrier) made her debut in the Open class and had her first qualifying run with a 2nd place. Bonnie and she have worked extremely hard to get to this point. On Sunday, I found we had a flat tire on our travel trailer. I called Good Sam roadside assistance but on Sunday on a holiday weekend, getting someone out to change it was impossible. So, other RVers came over and helped us change the tire. I purchased a new tire as the spare. Monday morning, as I was hooking up to head home, it was pouring down rain. I realized the tire behind it had about 12 lbs. of air in it. So, a friend in the dog club had an air pump and we aired it up. It was the last of the original tires and I could see it had cracks in the side wall from the weather. We went to Walmart, but it was packed with customers and a long wait. We made the decision to try to make it home with that tire, praying all the way that it would hold up. It did and we made it home. God is so GOOD and takes care of us in our time of need. He also sends others to help us.
Our June Community Meeting will be this Thursday June 3rd at Lakeridge United Methodist Church, 4701 82nd street in the basement. The babe chick meeting will be at 5:45. We will have a bring-your-own meal and drink at 6:00 pm and the meeting will start at 7:15 pm. We will plan on having a potluck meal at the July meeting. I for one am looking forward to it. Please plan on attending and let us worship our Lord and Savior together. We will have our July meeting as scheduled on July 1st.
May God bless each one of you in a special way. I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Troy Brooks,
Community Lay Director