From the Desk of the Lay Director – Mar. 2017

Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the ROARING of a mighty WINDSTORM, and it filled the house where they were sitting!!! Acts 2:2

Hey Community, it’s the last day of February and that roaring you hear outside is March coming in like a lion. You would think someone born and raised in West Texas would be accustomed to sand storms or haboobs or whatever you call them where you’re from, but I will always be glad when this weather decides to leave. Nevertheless, my prayer this month, as my term as your Lay Director comes to an end, is that the Holy Spirit roars in and continues to cause a rumble in our community like it has never felt before. I have enjoyed serving you all, and will continually praise God for calling me and giving me the opportunity to see what can happen when a body of believers comes together with the purpose of growing closer to Him and following His lead in all we do.

There are several opportunities for us to serve Him and Worship Him in March. First please join us as we come together this Thursday, March 2 at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church Central Campus, 3708 45th St. for our monthly gathering. If this is your first time to attend be there at 6:00 for the Babe Chick meeting and Sponsorship training. We’ll share a meal together at 6:30, followed by our Worship Service at 7:15. If you haven’t been in a while please come. It’s always such a blessing to get together with our Emmaus Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

This weekend we have a wonderful opportunity to do what the Llano Estacado Emmaus Community is so good at, pray! Epiphany #20 starts Friday, March 3, and continues through Sunday, March 5 at the Garza County Detention Center in Post. Please pray for the Epiphany team, juveniles and the prison staff over this coming weekend. There will be some important God business going on down there that will make a big difference in the lives of some very special youth.

March 9 at 7:00 PM please be on the Holy spirit patio of Mercy Center for send-off of our next Young Men’s Chrysalis Journey. Milton Schober and his team have been waiting a long time to meet the young men God will be sending. Candlelight is at 8:00 PM, Saturday, March 11 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and closing is at 4:00 on Sunday, March 12 back at the church. Please come out and support the guys on this journey. These young men are our future and Chrysalis is such a vital part of our Emmaus family. There is still space available so get your caterpillars signed up just as soon as you can. Remember there is no cost to them or you for them to go.

Men’s Walk #99 is March 30-April 2. Ty Askew is the Lay Director and Winfred Davenport will serve as Spiritual Director. Send-off will be at the Mercy Center around 7:00 on that Thursday with Candlelight at 8:00 on Saturday and Closing at 4:00 on Sunday over at St. Joseph’s. Please come for all the weekend events you can. It’s always special for the pilgrim’s to see people they may or may not know come out and support them.

Now I want to close my year of serving as Lay Director of this awesome community by reminding you as I did when I first wrote that we are strong enough to do whatever God calls us to do. Who could have ever imagined I would have been called to represent such a great group of believers to the Father and represent Christ to you as well. I have loved being a part of our Community since my walk in 1996 and pray that God will continue to use me as He sees fit. I encourage you to do the same. Remember, God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. Help keep this revival we are enjoying going and make Jesus smile!


Sheila Kirby