Hello everyone,
We have made it through a month since my last newsletter. I pray everyone is healthy and the Coronavirus has not come near your dwelling. Unfortunately we will not be able to meet again on May 7th. I was so looking forward to hosting the Community Meetings. The Upper Room says Emmaus activities are suspended until at least May 11th. I am looking forward to seeing all of you again on June 4th. I have missed seeing you.
Bonnie and I decided that since we are isolated here, we would sneak off to our cabin in Timberon, NM and isolate there for two weeks. New Mexico requires you to quarantine for 14 days. When we crossed the state line, we got an amber alert signal on our cell phones that said “Covid 19, Stay at home orders in place”. Bonnie said “They are tracking us” We did not go in any stores coming or going, but stopped to get gas only. It was a great time and got a lot of projects completed at the cabin. And you know, God was there with us with His peace and protection. But alas, we had to come back to check the mail and pay bills.
We will find out soon what the Governor and Mayor say we are allowed to do. Hopefully, we can start meeting and getting back to work. Of course I say that but since I am retired….. Hopefully, Bonnie can start working again soon.
In the last newsletter, I stated that the board was working on allowing babe chicks that have just completed a walk will be allowed to work a walk within the first year. As previously stated, you will be allowed to work on the outside team. However, after discussing this with the Upper Room and their recommendations, you will not be allowed to work on the inside team until after you have waited one year. This will be discussed and settled at the next board meeting.
As time progresses we will be notifying you as to the future of scheduled walks and rescheduling walks that have been cancelled. Hopefully and prayerfully we can get back to normalcy very soon.
I will leave you with Psalms 138, Verses 7-8: “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect (accomplish, complete) that which concerns me, Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever, Do not forsake the works of your hands.” May God richly bless each one of you in a special way.
Troy Brooks, Community Lay Director