From the Desk of the Lay Director – Nov. 2014

BJ Schilling smallHello community! Having just heard reports about the victories and blessings the Lord handed down on the October Women’s Walk (which was fully attended, praise God!), I continue to be amazed at how gracious God is, and how he provides for this ministry and His children. This Community’s leadership has been meeting for corporate prayer lately and praying privately for God to shine his glory on Emmaus, and revive and restore any part of it that has faded, and looking at the walks since we began, God is moving.

Sometimes I forget how much of a privilege it is that the God who created the universe and all that is in it with nothing but the power of His voice would choose to hear the requests of a fool like me. And moreover, He would take the time to consider those requests and answer them. We are blessed to have such a loving Father, that in all of his might and glory, He still hears and answers the prayers of His children.

Please continue to be in prayer with me for Emmaus, and for God to take this, His ministry and bring His children into new and strengthened relationships with Him through it. Praise God for all He has done and all He will do as we humble ourselves before the only one who can!

A few important reminders:

  • November community is THIS THURSDAY, Nov. 6th at Aldersgate – 6:30 pm
  • The next Men’s walk is January 15-18, led by Rod Smith
  • The next Women’s walk is February 19-22, led by Linda Chapman

De Colores,
B.J. Schilling