Thanksgiving is almost here. I know many of you will be traveling so may your destinations be protected by Him above for safety going and coming back of safe travels…whether by land, air or sea….be careful and safe travels for you and your families of those that might be coming towards West Texas as well. May you enjoy your family time.
How thankful we are to You, Oh God, for your love unto us. May we, the people, be the people who earnestly seek you, God, for the refreshment of our souls. May we abide in the joy of the Lord as He is our strength through all things. May we reflect upon our blessings. Thanksgiving is a joyous time to shower the world with love and gratitude.
How can you not think of Thanksgiving at this time of the year? It is here before you know it. All the work that goes into the preparation of the Thanksgiving dinner. The smell of ham and turkeys cooking is overwhelming and the stomachs are ready to be filled. We gather for the family we love and for the friends we cherish and to be thankful for what we have.
Thanksgiving is not just one day…it is every day unto Him, thank him…to thank him in reality of every day of the year, we thank him for the new covenant, may we express our joy, sing a praise to Him, his love is unfailing, He endures forever, his faithfulness continues to each generation, may we live in all thankfulness unto Him, we are his people the sheep of his pasture…what an amazing God you are and we thank you with all of our hearts. We thank you, Oh Lord, for everything and we ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ and to YOU be all honor and Glory.
Ok, turkeys will be turkeys. A true story for sure as I was a witness to this turkey dance down in Edna, Texas. I had just checked into this camping area down there that had been a Texas State park but it was now a private park. As I walked out of the building, I heard all these turkeys gobbling under this huge oak tree. I turned around to watch them because they were all gobbling so I started watching. Evidently, there was a leader amongst those turkeys. I guess the leader gave them a special gobble and all of those turkeys circled up and by this I could figure out who the leader was for the group. He just made a gobble and they walked to the center synchronized up 1,2,3 to the center of the circle then back they went 1,2,3 to the start of the circle, and it started all over for at least 20 minutes. I had never laughed so hard in my life. People started stopping and watching and the laughter from the crowd didn’t disturb one bit. I finally went into the office and asked the owners, “did you all train these turkeys to dance?” It is the funniest thing I have ever seen. He goes, “no they just come up and dance under those trees every day.” I guess I will come up and watch them tomorrow as they sure draw a crowd. Well perhaps they have a little sense to cluster together in numbers as to be walking through the brush in the hunting season.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone…safe travels…blessings to all…be safe, be blessed and be strong in Him…. Thanksgiving is every day unto the Lord. Enjoy your Thanksgiving food and yes, I bet you are watching some football games.
Karen Cox
Community Meeting
November 7th we are meeting at Oakwood Methodist UMC located at 2215 58th Street and we look forward to seeing you.
Our Hours That Are in Place for Activities
6:00 Babe Chick meeting
6:00 Meals
7:00 to 8:00 Worship
Phone Blast: Reminders occur on the first Wednesday of the month @11:00 am. Donna Campbell is the phone blaster. If you would like to receive this monthly reminder please contact her at 806-789-1008.
Board Members: Please feel free to contact any board members with any questions you might have. You need to go Llano Estacado Emmaus website and click on it and scroll down to a place that says CONTACT US… there will be note that says, pdf click on it and all the names of the Board Member Names will come up. I hope this helps you to find it. Hope you will get to know them because they are around for the community meetings, many come to send off on walks, and are to be circulating amongst the people on Candlelight events. Thank you.
Upcoming Walks
Nov. 7th-10 – Kairos #42
January 16-19th, 2020 – Men’s Walk #106 (Swade Moyers)
February 20-23, 2020 – Women’s Walk #152 (Lori Lusk)