From the Desk of the Lay Director – Oct 2018

What a beautiful day!!!! I feel fall in the air and am looking for those pumpkin recipes. No, I do not eat pumpkin any other time. Once, I had turkey other than Thanksgiving or Christmas. That did feel strange, but I got over it.

I teach Sunday School. We start out with a lesson followed by a word search puzzle on the lesson. I look and look and sometimes I just cannot see the word and I go through the list several times. I am quickly shown the word by my student. It is so easy to see then. Right under my nose!

God will show us his plan in his timing, not ours. It is so hard to sit quietly and wait. The Martha in me wants to hurry up and fix it, do it or change it. This past year I am waiting and listening more.

God decides whom we should sponsor and when. We simply need to remain attentive to God’s leading and patiently “wait on the Lord!” Ps 27:14. Sponsorship is the act of your revisiting the Walk to Emmaus experience with the person whom God has laid on your heart. It is one of the most important aspects of The Walk to Emmaus. A sponsor commits to recruiting strong church leaders in order to strengthen the local church.

Sponsorship requires a lot of deep knee bends as you become a praying partner for your pilgrim, diligent thought, and careful planning and follow-through. According to the dictionary, a sponsor is one who takes responsibility for another. The suffix –ship refers to the skill involved in the activity. So sponsorship is the skill of take responsibility for another. The sponsor in Emmaus must exercise great skill in taking responsibility for a pilgrim, and sponsorship is definitely a long-term process.

The sponsor’s responsibilities do not end with closing. Please bring your pilgrim to the next Community meeting. Going alone is sometimes scary. You may have to step forward and become part of a new reunion group in addition to your existing reunion group responsibilities until the new group is well established. The final responsibility of the sponsor is to teach the new Emmaus member how to be a good sponsor by helping them understand the responsibilities of good sponsorship.

Please commit to listen to the Lord and to sponsor at least one pilgrim in the upcoming year.

Check out the rest of this website and Facebook for items of interest.


October 25-28 Women’s Walk #147
November 8-11 Kairos #40


October 4, 2018-  Canyon Methodist Church 217 FM 1729, 4th Street exit on the East Loop, about 4 miles to FM 1729, on the left side of the road. Babe Chick meetings will start at 6:00, followed by a community Meal at 6:30 (please bring food to share); worship will start at 7:15

November 1, 2018 – Lakeridge Methodist Church, 4701 82nd Street, Lubbock

December 6 – Agape Methodist Church, 1215 Slide Road, Lubbock

PHONE BLAST Community Meeting Reminder: 11:00 AM Wednesday, October 3, 2018. The phone blast is always on the first Wednesday of the month at 11:00 AM.

If you wish to get a phone reminder of the upcoming Community gatherings, please send me an e-mail telling of the phone number you wish the phone blast to call. Make sure the number will accept a voice message. The database probably still has the information given on your original walk. You may have changed your phone number or e-mail since then. Please send me new information. My e-mail is

B.J. Shilling has been Book Table Chairperson for many years. He gets the books that appear on the book table after the Growth through Study talk. He has decided to move in other directions and wishes to turn over this blessing to someone new. Please pray about stepping into this position. Where else can you go shopping for free? This position purchases the books (based upon the list provided by team members) to go on the book table. The list of books should be sent to you about two to three weeks before the walk. You purchase them (with funds from Emmaus, B J can get with you on the specifics), bring them to Mercy Center and put them in the storage room for the outside team to put on the table when the time comes. Please contact me if you wish to know more about this position.

Thank you B J Schilling!!!!

Also, thank you for Mike and Nadia Morgan for filling the Men’s Prayer Wheel for each Walk. We thank you for your service to Emmaus. Mike is in the process of transferring his duties to the new Men’s Prayer Coordinator, Marti Smith. You can help by volunteering for a permanent prayer spot for the Men’s Walks. Go to the Emmaus Facebook page to add a permanent time for you. And Thank you.

“Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.” Matthew 5:9.

Dear Lord, help me today and every day to be a peacemaker for those around me. Help me to do good, to seek peace and pursue it.

Continue to pray for the Board of Directors and the Team selection committees.

De Colores,
Donna Campbell