It is often a good lesson to look at a word. It is also a beautiful treasure to your heart to be in the Word daily. I was looking at the word October. Octo means eight in Latin. When I looked it up it dates back to more than 2,000 years ago in the ancient Roman calendar. Why do we abbreviate it 10/1? The eight became the 10 way back then!
The season begins to change in October. It turns a bit cooler, some leaves begin to fall, the days get shorter, and what was growing in our flower beds slow down. A new best winter plant gets planted because it can stand the winter coldness.
Have you ever wondered what flower was Jesus’s favorite? Then I thought, “any and everything He makes is perfect.” The leaves change colors of yellow, orange and deep red up here. My first fall here in Lubbock was beautiful and colorful and I had never ever seen colored leaves before. I grew up with palm trees and tiny mesquite trees.
The beauty of His hand of décor is stunning upon the land He created. It is amazing beyond words. Matthew 19:26 “With God all things are possible.” Octo is 8. God’s perfect number of completions. Mankind changes things as it was in the beginning hands on instead of hands off. Trust unto God that we must do in obedience unto his will and his way.
One morning I awoke extremely, early hopped in my truck and went to Palo Duro. I had taken the elements for communion, my Bible, my walking stick, flashlight, and 5 waters with me. I was shining my flashlight for a while and off to the east the orange horizon was slowly coming up. I thought I heard a coyote or two. As the light came up, so did the surrounding sound of coyotes, As I went further down the trail, I came to a stop and thought they were all around me. I just couldn’t see them. All I had was my hiking stick. “Oh my, here are rocks,” so I put them in my pockets and tossed a few in each direction. I didn’t hear them anymore, so I assumed the rocks made an impact on them. Things seemed normal and I continued on my way.
Then to my surprise a solid red cloud of hundreds of male cardinals landed in the shrubs 20 feet away. I tiptoed away from them and was soon nearing the next stop. As before, the journey went upward to the Lighthouse. I thought, “I am the only person out here so I will read in a teacher’s voice out loud and read Psalms 98, 99 & 100” … at that point I understood His care that was over me in peace. I put my Bible in my back pack and started the climb upward.
Once I reached the Lighthouse, I sat for a while in the peace of the beauty of the wilderness. I read silently unto my soul of Habakkuk’s Prayer. I dangled my feet over the ledge as I took communion there and sat still, looking up. The colors throughout that area are stunning… simply beyond words. I had one more surprise. Those hundreds of cardinals flew south over the Lighthouse and they were heading to South Texas for the winter in the valley down south. It was so beautiful.
Hinds feet are needed in all of our travels in our journey of life of perseverance. Faith in God adds a new ingredient. We have to look beyond our present troubles to a larger perspective. Faith assures us that even when things seem so helpless, our all-powerful God will restore us.
Be blessed, be strong and be beautiful in Him…In the Name of Jesus Christ and to Him be the honor and Glory. Amen
Karen Cox
Community Meeting
Oct. 3rd, Agape Methodist UMC is hosting our next Community Meeting. Please join us for fellowship and worship. It is located on 1215 Slide Road.
Our Hours That Are in Place for Activities
6:00 Babe Chick Meeting
6:00 Meals
7:00 to 8:00 Worship
Upcoming Gatherings
November 7th, Oakwood Methodist UMC, Lubbock, Tx 2215 58 ST
December 5th, Canyon Methodist UMC Lub, Tx, 217 FM to Market RD 1729
January 9th, Oakwood Methodist UMC Lubbock, Tx 2215 58th ST
Phone Blast: Reminders occur on the first Wednesday of the month @ 11:00 am. Donna Campbell is the phone blaster. If you would like to receive this monthly reminder please contact her at 806-789-1008.
Board Members: Please feel free to contact any board members with any questions you might have.
Upcoming Walks
• October 24-27 Women’s Walk #151, Laurie McCabe
• Nov.07-10 Kairos #42
• January 16-19, 2020 Men’s Walk# 106, Swade Moyers
• February 20-23, Women’s Walk #152, Lori Lusk