Llano Estacado Emmaus Community
I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather as much as I am. I love this time of year. Hopefully it stays with us for several weeks before the cold temperatures get here.
I pray everyone is doing well! We are well. I had to go through a skin peel from too much sun when I was young. It was not fun. I had to apply a harsh cream to my face, neck, and nose for 3 weeks, that killed the precancerous skin. I then waited for the dead skin to peel off. It was very painful, and I had several sleepless nights. By the grace of God, I was able to make it through. Now my face is bright with the new skin. Going through this process has reminded me that accepting Christ and letting Him clean up our lives from the scars of our past and the mistakes we have made is sometimes painful but gives us a bright new future. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17. All you young folks please wear your sunscreen. Of course, as old as I am, there was no sunscreen available back then. If there was, we weren’t aware of it.
The next men’s walk is October 21st through 24th. We need pilgrims for this walk, so if you have someone that would like to attend, please get them signed up. There are scholarships available. Be in prayer for the team and the pilgrims for the best walk ever. It will be at Mercy Center in Slaton, our home location. Please attend sendoff at 7 pm to support the team and pilgrims. Candlelight Saturday night @ 8:00 pm and Closing Sunday @ 4 pm will be at St Joseph’s Church. Please come.
The next Community meeting will be this Thursday October 7th at Lakeridge United Methodist Church, 4701 82nd Street in the basement. The potluck meal will be at 6 pm. Please bring a dish to share. The meeting starts at 7:15. Come fellowship and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with us. We look forward to seeing you.
I want to personally thank Lakeridge United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their facility for our community meeting each month. It has been a real blessing to our community. If you know someone that attends there, please thank them.
De Colores,
Troy Brooks
Community Lay Director