From the Desk of the Lay Director – October 2015

Hello Community,

Frank McClelland2We, as a board, have been talking over the last few months about the state of our Community, and while there are a lot of good things going on we feel like it can be better…that we can do better at honoring God. Over the last couple of years or so we have had to cancel Walks and Chrysalis Journeys. We no longer have Chrysalis Flights because the interest was so low. We used to have 150 to 200 people at Community meetings.

Don’t misunderstand. It is not about the Walk to Emmaus by itself. The same conditions exist in many of our churches as well. Attendance is down in many churches and apathy and a lack of commitment seem to be “normal”. The main purpose of the Emmaus movement is to encourage and develop church leadership. The better we do with sponsorship, reunion group participation, discipleship, and most of all prayer, the better we can serve our churches and the people in them.

We are going to meet on Saturday, October 3rd, at 1:30 PM in the gym at Oakwood UMC, 2215 58th Street, Lubbock to discuss vision and action plans…and pray. This is not just for those on the Board of Directors. This is for anyone who is interested in seeing the Holy Spirit show up and guide us to what He has in mind for our community.

This meeting will take four or five hours and this won’t be the last one. Your prayers are needed. Your vision is needed. Your presence is needed. There will be more about this meeting at Community on October 1st.

De Colores,
Frank McLelland