Where does my help come? Have you ever said HELP out loud in a moment of fear, an accident, a tragedy, or of a need of a safety issue? So, when your world turns dark and your journey rugged where do you turn for help? What is the source of the confidence you need to face the headwinds of life?

Growing up by the Gulf of Mexico, outside of Corpus Christi just a bit, was a wonderful time of discovery for me as I loved to beach comb and to swim. Being an only child, I had no problems with being bored. I was always into something adventurous. My parents fished most of the time, all day, in one spot. I knew not to kick stingrays, touch jelly fish and leave Portuguese man-of wars alone. I would wander off down the coastline towards Brownsville in my tractor size inner-tube, free as a bird floating for hours. It was a given one of my parents would come for me for several hours later.
I had no fear. I would go out far from the shore to get past the crashing waves to stillness in a fast-moving current. The beauty of it was to be still, in awe of the blue water and it was fun as my inner-tube traveled. The other thing I knew was that a current can sneak up on you and from this wave and it could totally slam your face down into a wipeout. I drifted back into a sand bar pool of two cuts as it is safer than being too far out. I was so enjoying this peaceful time thinking “how in the world was the world made like this.” Fortunately, my grandparents moved there that year. My grandmother told me she prayed for me and, what little she said, I knew within me God must have made this world.
I just relaxed, stretched out my long arms and long legs and THEN I saw the eyes of the shark right by me. It was circling my feet, coming around again. I pulled in my arms and the only thing out there was my head and my feet. I yelled “God get me out of this!” Suddenly, a wave slammed over into the sand bar throwing me out of the inner-tube into the next gully. I swam like a ballistic bullet to the shore.
How very important it is to cry out to God for HELP! Know that Psalm 121 encourages us in all situations of the word help, yes, He does hear and HE does care. Psalm121:1-2 “I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.”
How blessed we all are in this Psalm as He watches over us all with no sleep. He is our protector and will keep us from harm, and will watch over your life and your coming and going, NOW and Forever.
What a blessing, Lord, and may this community be blessed and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as well. How we thank you, oh Lord, for your love, help and guidance in all of our paths in our servant’s heart unto to YOU! In the Name of Jesus Christ and we give you all honor and Glory. Amen
Karen Cox
Sept 5th, is at Indian Avenue Baptist Church. The best way to find the meeting place is to turn in on the NE side of the church and go towards the back of the church on section 7 by the blue dumpsters.
6:00 Babe Chick Meeting
6:00 Meals
7:00 to 8:00 Worship
• Sept 5, Indiana Ave. Baptist Church, Lubbock, TX 9507 Indiana Ave
• Oct 3, Agape Methodist UMC, Lubbock, TX 1215 Slide Road
• Nov 7 Oakwood UMC, Lubbock Tx. 2215 58th St.
• Dec 5, Canyon Methodist UMC, TX 217 FM to Market Rd 1729
Phone Blast: Reminders occur on the first Wednesday of the month @ 11:00 am. Donna Campbell is the phone blaster. If you would like to receive this monthly reminder please contact her at 806-789-1008.
Board Members: Please feel free to contact any board members with any questions you might have.
• September 12 – 15 Young Men’s Chrysalis #37, Chad Grimes
• September 19 – 27 Kairos Outside #18, Ronda Menefee
• October 24 – 27 Women’s #151, Laurie McCabe
• November 07 – 10, Kairos #42
Please Community Help needed as soon as possible on a couple of things.
#1 We need the communities help with a Communion Team to prepare and take down community elements. We need these leaders to step up in a servant’s heart please. That would include the community meetings, candlelight and closing. We only have 3 men’s walks and 4 women’s walks. If you are interested please leave a message, phone #, and your name. Karen Cox 806-773-5559
#2 We need a person (male or female) to be the coordinator of the Men’s. Prayer Vigil. It requires a leader to step up and be there monthly to keep that prayer vigil continuing. Contact Donna Campbell, 806-789-1008
God Bless our days ahead and unto Him All Glory and Honor.
Karen Cox