Hello Community,
I hope everyone is doing well!! We are well and I like to say blessed and highly favored. At least I pray that for the highly favored part. Are we ever going to have a break from this heat and lack of rain? I have a friend that when it was dry he started praying for rain and always carried an umbrella with him. Maybe we all need to start praying for rain and carrying an umbrella.
The scripture I would like to share is Mathew 22:33-39. Jesus said to him.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”. “This is the first and great commandment.” “And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
The Kairos Outside is moving forward with their weekend September 25th thru 27th. We are making a lot of changes to self-distance and keep everyone safe. Please pray that the 17 ladies that have committed to attend will have the peace of God and feel safe to attend. We will be praying over the team at the September 3rd Community meeting.
The Women’s Walk October 22nd thru 25th is on schedule and moving forward. Please pray for the team that they will have wisdom and knowledge to make changes as necessary to keep everyone safe. Start praying for pilgrims that you might send on this walk.
Tamera Stewart has accepted the position as the Music Coordinator. Please let her know if you or your group would like to do music for our Community Meetings as she puts them together. We haven’t had a walk since March so we are looking for musicians to lead us in worship.
Our next Community Meeting will be September 3rd at Indiana Avenue Baptist Church in the Student Building. No meal will be served. Van and Leslie Shaw will be doing the music. Please attend and let’s worship together.
Troy Brooks
Community Lay Director