We are certainly living in trying times. The continuing battle against the Covid-19 virus has been a challenge in numerous ways. For us, the struggles with finances continue to mount.
The Emmaus Community is holding its own, but Mercy Center is struggling. They still have most of their expenses coming in, but with no income. The Emmaus Board has voted to do a matching donation for the Mercy Center.
We will match any donation you can make up to a total of $5,000.00. If donations from our Community can match the amount, that will help Mercy Center through this time of struggle. They have always been there for the Llano Estacado Community. It has been such a blessing to have a facility so close and convenient that we can work so well with, and that we don’t have to drive extra time to get to. We need to help them continue to be there for us. They are flexible when we must cancel.
The Mercy Center is a real asset to our Community and we need to support them. We want to be able continue to always have our activities there. I beseech you search your heart, remember the lives that have been changed there, including your own. Your donation is greatly appreciated. We will keep you informed what amount is still needed to reach our goal as we progress. Thanks so much for your help.
Troy Brooks
Community Lay Director