I Can Only Imagine

Take a minute, close your eyes and picture your ideal world. See everything that brings you peace and joy. Maybe your utopia has water and trees or maybe it is a city with buildings. Either way, take a minute and think about the people living in this beautiful scene. Are they children, elderly people, are they your peers? Is it a diverse group, or do all the people in your world look like you and your friends, and family?

Time to return to the real world and accept that this world can be perfect too. We live in diversity, a world filled with people that might not have the same opportunities or life experiences as you. God charged His people to go forth and make disciples; there were no buts in that statement. There are no exceptions on who is worthy of receiving the love and forgiveness of God’s grace and no one is meant to be excluded from God’s presence. All people on this planet are God’s children and we are all a flock searching for a pasture full of safety and security.

Colossians 4:5-6 says “5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” This is a charge to make the change in the world you want to see. All people have the ability to make this fallen earth a better place for our families, our friends, and all the people we come into contact with each day. In each interaction we have with fellow believers and unbelievers we should inject God’s love. The interactions on Emmaus Walks and Kairos Weekends should be maintained in our daily lives. The end of a Weekend does not signal the end of a need to share love, grace, and mercy.

I can only imagine and cannot wait for a day when all Christians look at other people and see only people. No labels, no sins, no past transgressions. Instead each individual is seen for the beauty and potential that God meant for all of His children to have. God’s greatest gift is love and His greatest mercy is grace. These are meant for us as Christians to share and proliferate so that more people can be saved and enjoy the everlasting life that is provided.

KO is an international ministry that God has blessed us with here in West Texas. Through this ministry we are able to touch the lives of women who have been affected by incarceration of their loved ones or themselves.

– Kat McCoy