A Special Christmas Message

Merry Christmas everyone! Two letters from me in the same month. I’m sorry but this an important one!!! As an Emmaus Board we voted on 12-1 to make a donation in Darris Linder’s name to Mercy Manna, which is Darris and Jeanette’s ministry in Slaton.

Many of you knew and loved Darris and may be asking what you can do as a memorial to that precious Brother who was the epitome of Emmaus and without whom the Llano Estacado Emmaus Community would not exist as it does today. As you’re making your end of year monetary donations, won’t you please consider making one in Darris’s name?

If this is on your heart, as it is many of ours, send a check payable to Llano Estacado Emmaus Community and on the memo line add “Darris Linder”. Your generous donation in any amount will be added to our community’s contribution and send to Mercy Manna in Darris’s name. You may mail it to:

Llano Estacado Emmaus Community
P.O. Box 65116
Lubbock, Texas 79464-5116

My prayer is that all of you have a beautiful Christmas and most of all that you find time to reflect on what Jesus’ birth truly means to all of our lives here on Earth and eternally. Draw close to Christ this season and always!

DeColores, Sheila