Epiphany June 2018

Some of the most rewarding moments of my life have come while working an Epiphany weekend! My name is Chris Seaton, and I have the awesome opportunity to serve on the local Epiphany team as well as serving on the State Board which gives oversight to all of the Epiphany weekends in Texas.

Epiphany Ministry is an interdenominational Christian ministry for young men and women who are incarcerated in juvenile correctional institutions. The weekend is much like a Kairos Inside experience but is geared for juvenile offenders. Our purpose is to share God’s love with the youth, known as “Stars” through a three-day short course in Christianity and an on-going follow-up program.

Both men and women are allowed to work together inside the facility on an Epiphany weekend. It’s a great place for both single adults and couples to share in ministry together!

Epiphany #23 will take place at the Garza County Regional Juvenile Center, October 12-14, 2018, in Post, Texas. Team meetings will be scheduled in the months prior to the weekend. If you would like to participate, need additional information, or would like to know how you can support a weekend through prayer or finances, please email me at chris@providingLIFE.org.


What is Epiphany Ministry?

Epiphany Ministry, is an ecumenical Christian Ministry for young men and women who are in the custody of Juvenile Justice Facilities. The weekend models on which it is based are: Chrysalis, Cross, Cursillo, Happening, Kairos Prison Ministry, Tres Dias, Vida Nueva and Walk to Emmaus. Our purpose is to manifest God’s Love to incarcerated youth, known as “Stars” through a three day short course in Christianity and an on-going follow-up program. Each Epiphany weekend involves a team of adults and youth from the Christian community who work together to show the Love of God to those attending.

God’s Love has been revealed throughout history, especially in the life and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In church history, Epiphany is traditionally celebrated on January 6th marking the arrival of the Magi in search of the Christ child. “Epiphany” is a Greek word meaning “appearance”. The coming of the Magi marks the time when God is manifested on Earth to the entire world through Jesus Christ.

As in the first Epiphany, we can know the coming of God’s Love in our lives and introduce His Love to others.

Mission Statement

It is accomplished through a three day short course in Christianity and an on-going follow-up process to the incarcerated youth.
Epiphany Ministry, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation. The ministry is a lay-led ministry; however, the active participation of clergy is both essential and encouraged. Epiphany is an ecumenical ministry that seeks the broad participation of Christian denominations and ethnic groups

Team Members Tell of God’s Unconditional Love

Team Members are God’s instruments to show the love of Christ to the young men or women who will be attending the three day short course called Epiphany. Come join us and share in this ministry of God’s love and forgiveness.For more information, please email jswan47@aol.com.

1 Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. 2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.
Ephesians 4:1-3