Chrysalis – Apr 2015

Denise C-3We came into March with expectations of having a full Journey for the young men of our community. Jason Lindeman and his amazing team were ready and willing to share Jesus with them as were we. Unfortunately, those expectations weren’t met, and the Journey did not happen. So many times we look for Jesus, as did the women who visited His tomb, with expectations of finding something tangible that we can place our hands on, see, smell or hear. Those women were asked “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive?  He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!” Not what they were expecting at all. As Easter arrives this month, we can have hope that when our expectations on Friday aren’t met, just remember, Sunday is coming!

I want to thank Jason and every one of his team members for their outstanding commitment to this Journey. It takes so much hard work and we appreciate all of the time and effort all of this team put in with the expectation of a tremendous Journey.

Our next Journey will be a Young Women’s Journey, September 3-6 with Donna Burt at the helm. Please be in prayer for her as she is starting to get her team together and also pray for the young women that will be called to be caterpillars. Start thinking about the young women you know and how you can bless them with a Chrysalis weekend.

Again, if you have any questions about Chrysalis, please let me know and I will do whatever I can to get them answered.
Fly with Christ!

Denise Chumley