From the Desk of the Lay Director – Apr. 2015

BJ SchillingEmmaus Community,

I hope that you are as excited as I am to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior this Sunday. Easter is my favorite time of year; I love everything from the words Jesus spoke on the cross (Tetelestai- debt paid in full), to the empty tomb that means we have an eternal hope in our God who is ALIVE! Hallelujah! I pray that everyone is thoroughly blessed this weekend remembering all that Jesus did on our behalf.

The April men’s walk is quickly approaching, and is in need of pilgrims. Be a blessing to someone this Easter and sign them up so that God can reveal himself on this walk. I can assure you that God has annointed this team and has amazing things in store for it, so please go out in faith and prayer and find someone to sponsor.

Lastly, I want to thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to serve this community as Lay Director for the past year. My limited skill set does not lend itself well to anything regarding administration, and to be honest I dread meetings, so I wondered why God called me to serve in this capacity. But I soon found that what he was calling me to was simply prayer. The motto of our community has always been “The power behind these walks is prayer”. Prayer to the God who has the power to change the hearts of His children. That is what I urge you to continue to do, because if I have learned anything in the past year, it is that humbling ourselves in constant prayer to our God who will revive us, is the only pathway to revival.

I am excited to announce that Frank McLelland will be serving as the new Community Lay Director. I first met Frank on Mens Walk #57, which he led. I was blown away by the sight of such a big fellow humbling himself before the Lord that he loved deeply. I knew immediately that this was a servant I wanted to serve beside! Please join me in praying for God to bless this community and the McLelland family, and I look forward to seeing the ways God uses them to further His kingdom through this ministry.

De Colores,
B.J. Schilling