From the Desk of the Lay Director – April 2016

Sheila KirbyHe Makes All Things New!!!

On this beautiful Spring morning, I sit in my living room amazed at God’s awesome creation and how “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17. Gary and I started a new fence over Spring Break and that, like all of us, is definitely a work in progress. I have been amazed at the strength God has given me to help in this project and know that through HIM, I can keep at it until it is finished. This time of year we are reminded HE does make all things new, even if it’s a fence, and it is beautiful to see what HE has in mind for HIS creation. Sometimes HE calls us to do things we never dreamed we could possibly do and as long as we follow HIS lead, we can accomplish anything.

AllThingsNew 300pxTo those that don’t know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Sheila Kirby and I have been a part of the Llano Estacado Emmaus Community since Women’s Walk #30 in March 1996. St. Naomi’s table to be exact. My husband, Gary, was my sponsor and I have never ceased to be amazed at what a difference Emmaus has meant in our lives. Our daughters, Mandy and Sara, both attended Chrysalis’s here and my son-in-law, Martin, attended a Chrysalis in Kerrville long before he met Mandy. Kris is my other son-in-law, married to Sara. He hasn’t been on a walk, but we are continually praying about sponsoring him when the time is right. I have two beautiful grandchildren, Kylin 8, and Kaitlyn 5 and I have the privilege of being their full time Nana. God has given me the perfect job since my retirement in 2012 and I can’t thank Him enough. I get to hang out with those two daily and watch them turn in to the remarkable individuals God created them to be. I also thrive on being a fulltime wife, mother, daughter, friend and all the things God leads me to be!

And now, I am blessed that He has called me to be the new Lay Director for our Community. I want to thank Frank McLelland for the fantastic job he has done this past year. Some may laugh that we’re going from the biggest to the “least of these” so to speak, but I am confident I can continue what has been started by those that served in this capacity before me if God is allowed to be the true leader!

April marks several exciting events for our community. I hope to see you at as many of them as possible.

First, Kairos Outside #11 kicks-off on Friday evening. Walking in Love is Saturday at 8:45 PM on the Holy Spirit Patio at Mercy Center. If you have never attended one, please put it on your calendar and come! You are in for a true blessing as well as being able to blessing some beautiful women. Closing is Sunday at 2:30, back on the patio. The testimonies of what the ladies experienced over the weekend are always amazing so you’ll want come back for that as well.

Next week is the April Community Gathering on Thursday, April 7. There will be hamburgers with all the fixings, chips and drinks provided. Bring a dessert, if you would like. This is a fundraiser for Mercy Center. It’s time to give back to the place that has been, and continues to be, a blessing to our community. The meal is free, but there will a bucket for you to leave whatever monetary gift you feel lead to. Dinner will be served at 6:30 on the Holy Spirit patio and then we’ll move across the street to St. Joseph’s for worship at 7:30.

On April 14-17, Men’s Walk #96 is all set to go. Mark Meurer and his team can’t wait to see what the Holy Spirit has in store for everyone there. There is still room for more pilgrims so GET THOSE APPLICATIONS IN. Join us for all the weekend festivities that you can. Send-off is at 7:00 PM Thursday at Mercy Center, then Candlelight at St. Joseph’s on Saturday at 8:00 PM, followed by closing at St. Joseph’s on Sunday at 4:00.

James M. Barrie said “Those that bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” That is my favorite quote and I pray I can bring a speckle of sunshine in all your lives just like you do mine. Thank you so much for trusting me to be YOUR lay director this next year and I cannot wait to see what the LORD has in mind for us. It’s going to be awesome!

Sheila Kirby