From the Desk of the Lay Director – Feb. 2020

February…A Heart for HIM Every Day

Oh my, I have never had a day of such love and how peaceful it soaked into my being of listening in the quiet unto Him.   I am writing this in January for February that will post on that month.  Yes, I know the 14th is for hearts of sweetness. 

Today I had been invited to meet a person for coffee in the snow and light ice. I got honked at once, did a little ice skating in the wrong shopping center and carefully arrived with a kind person who said, “let me help you with this ice crossing.” I said, “oh thank you.”  I had no idea today I would be encouraged to write this for the February letter.

May you, community, enjoy this as HIS heart gift for you every day in Him in love.  As this is Him as I heard within my time of quiet…within the time with Him. 

 “Be still, sit by ME and lean into ME.  Lean into my knee and sit absolutely in silence.  Focus in the silence of the quietness of your heart and I AM by you.  Breath me into you now, breath after breath, breath ME in, it does not matter how long, rest on ME, shut your eyes, be soaked in My Passion of My heart that is within you and over you. I wait to care for you in MY Hands of love, you are My child.  Be still and know I am God.  Rest in this in our quiet time together as only He can do this unto you. Be still! Listen in the quiet!”  

Community, give Him your all in ALL unto the warmth of Him. May you snuggle up to Jesus.  The peace will wrap around you like a blanket of covering. Surrender unto His peace. Go to Him in Joy for this day He gives you in adoration.  You see, you can do this every day you awake…it is a matter of wanting Him every day in this relationship.  That is my prayer for all of us in our human lives.  Every day seek Him passionately.  

Yes, there is a Happy Valentine’s day on the 14th and I wish a Happy Valentine’s Day to you all. Valentines has spread around the whole world.  There is information that it was from many, many generations long, long ago.  The holiday began in its origin in a Roman festival and it had something to do with the start of springtime. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius replaced it with St. Valentine’s Day.  Saint Valentine was a clergyman, either a priest or a bishop in the Roman empire who ministered to persecuted Christians.  

Remember I was talking about the coffee day above and I am about to share a conclusion of passion that came upon me from this day.  At the table we were sharing our thoughts about the love of God. This began and our hearts, eyes and ears were opening up in the love God has for every person.  Gods love for all of us is active and alive if we surrender unto Him and listen to Him in the quiet, sit in it and be still in Him. We looked up and my wonderful Sunday School teacher was standing by our table and he said boy there is ministry. We said were talking about love God has for people we just smiled.  

One more thing, I learned this from a wonderful Bible school teacher… she does this every day of her life… early in the morning she writes Jesus a love story and is so faithful to do so in adoration unto Him.  What a wonderful day of joy this was with the Lord as He joined us at the table of coffee in thoughts of deepness to grow, to surrender, to be still and truly listen in the quiet voice into the rest in Him for your ears.  May your love gift unto Him create a beautiful Jesus wink from your heart to Him.  When you wake up the next day and Valentines is over, a one-day thing only, seek Him unto heart and be of good faith to be listening to your moments of quietness in love unto Him in the silence.  May you find the peace to start your day in your walk with Him.  

Be blessed community, what a precious Lord awaits us daily.  Seek and you shall find Him.  Blessings to all!  “John 15:9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Abide in my love.” The Good News:  Jesus loves us, just as God the Father loved him…in this truth we can rest secure and at peace.  There is no greater love than His.  Be blessed… Llano Estacado Emmaus Community

(Personal note to the community at the January meeting:  I want to thank you for  your sweet prayers for Gracie Walker and your hearts of love was overwhelming within my heart…thank you beyond words and sorry I could not be there.) 

De Colores,
Karen Cox

5:30 Board Meeting
6:00 Babe Chick Meeting
7:00 – 8:00 Worship

Feb. 06 – St. Luke’s United Methodist SW, 5805 98th St, Lubbock, 79424
Mar. 05 – Westmont Christian Church, 4808 Utica, Lubbock, 79414
Apr. 02 – Broadway Church of Christ, 1924 Broadway Ave., Lubbock 79401
May 07 – Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Lubbock, 79423

• Feb. 20 – 23, 2020 Women’s Walk #152, Lori Lusk LD
• Apr. 3 – 5, Kairos Outside
• Apr. 16 – 19, Men’s Walk #107, Rick Pinkerton, LD
• Apr. 30 – May 03, Chrysalis Young Women
• May 14 – 17, Kairos
• June 25 – 28, Women’s Walk #153, Dawn Moore, LD
• Aug. 6 – 9, Women’s Walk #154 Judy Butcher, LD
• Sept. 17 – 20, Men’s Walk #108, LD….to be announced
• Oct.  20 -25, Women’s Walk #155, Kim LaCaze, LD

The text blast is a BLAST!!!  Please contact Donna Campbell if you would like to receive the monthly reminders.  Her number is 806-789-1008 for the text blast.  Thank you, Donna, for doing this and community members, it really helps us to remember!  Thank you and sign up see you at the Community Meetings.

Community members please feel free to go to Llano Estacado Emmaus Website to reach any of us and will be glad to help you and answer any questions you might have. Thank you, community members, for your participation in Emmaus and coming in love unto Him so we can all raise up leaders to go back into their home church and grow the Kingdom of God.  Thank you so very much.

Llano Estacado Emmaus Community is celebrating its 30th year on Saturday, Feb. 29th in Slaton, Tx. One of the meeting places is at St. Joseph’s Hall for the for the food gatherings.  There will be tours of going through Mercy Center.  12:00 to 4:00 are the hours of this event also enjoy the music. Make a day of it and remembrance of your days being there and tell a few 4th day tales to each other. Please come and round up your buddies…and have a blast unto the past of your adventures with each other.  Come and see the joy of the Lord and give Him the praise for our Jesus and how we thank HIM for the many Godly friendships He gives as a gift of precious friends in Him to you. De Colores!