Hey Llano Emmaus Community
Please plan on attending our Community meeting at Agape United Methodist Church, 1215 Slide Road on Thursday February 7th at 7 pm. We will be live streaming it on our Facebook page and it will remain there for the next 30 days for your viewing. We will be praying for the Women’s Walk team. The walk will be February 25th- 28th. Please be praying for this walk. I will be sending out information later regarding community participation on this walk. Sponsors will be receiving a call from a team member with final instructions for send off, candlelight, and closing procedures.
I hope everyone is doing well and the virus is staying away from your door per Psalms 91. We are doing well by the Grace of God.
The board has voted that the officers that were to go off the board April 1st, this year will remain in place until April 1st, 2022. This means that all board members will remain in place for an added year. This is due to most walks being cancelled last year. The walks being cancelled especially affected me as I was not able to host community meetings, candlelight, and closing ceremonies. This means we should get bonus pay at the end of the year, right? Please pray that all walks will be able to take place, and none will be cancelled this year and no one, team member or pilgrim will be affected by COVID-19 or other illnesses.
I am looking forward to worshipping with you Thursday night. If you cannot make it to the meeting, you can view it on our Facebook page.
Troy Brooks
Community Lay Director.