From the Desk of the Lay Director – July 2018

We got rain. It was a nice, gentle rain. I was all prepared to work on projects while listening to the rain. There is something soothing about rain drops (no hail, please). Unfortunately, our lights went out. This time I remembered where I stashed the flashlight and the lantern. So, now to plan B.

I went to the door and noticed the lightening show. The lightning strikes were horizontal. I sat down and spent the hour quietly thinking, praying and watching the show. I think I needed that more that accomplishing my projects. I had a wonderful time. Quiet and restful. The lights came on, and, guess what, my projects were still there and the world did not end because I did not devote the whole evening to them. We do need to “stop and smell the roses.” There are so many things we miss out on. But, please remember to keep praying for rain, and the farmer’s prayer: “Three inches, gentle, over an eight hour period.” But I am sure they welcome what they get.

I hope to see you at Community. It is so nice to talk with different folks. Make a point to sit with someone you do not know. And you can make a new friend.

Please go to the website and check out your data. This is the information we have to select future team members. If the data is incorrect, we cannot connect with you. If you have not been asked to serve on a team in a while, and would like to, please e-mail Judy Butcher ( for women’s teams and Frank McClelland ( for men’s teams. You must wait a year from the last walk you worked to work another walk. The team selection committee prays over the list of eligible persons and comes up with a possible team list for the Walk. There are several names submitted for each team position. The Lay Director will then use this list to contact possible team members for his/her Walk. Working a walk is such a blessing. If you are called, please consider it prayerfully.

Upcoming Walks:

August 2-5 Women’s Walk #146
August 30-Sep 2 Young Women’s Journey #43
September 13-16 Young Men’s Journey #35
September 20-23 Men’s Walk #102
September 28-30 Kairos Outside #16
October 25-28 Women’s Walk #147
November 8-11 Kairos #40

And then there starts 2019. There are still plenty of opportunities for sponsorships and providing agape.

Please pray about sponsoring a pilgrim. Blessings come to the pilgrim but the sponsors gets so much more. On the Kairos Outside, the agape is given only to the guests; you need to make only 36.

Community Meetings

July 5, 2018 – Westmont Christian Church 4808 Utica. Babe Chick Meeting at 6:00. Community Meal will be at 6:30. Please bring some food to share, followed by worship at 7:15.

August 2, 2018 – St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, across from Mercy Center. Please celebrate the send off of Women’s Walk #146. We will meet on the patio of Mercy Center at 6:30 to cheer the pilgrims and team. There will be no Community meal, but please consider bringing food agape for the Walk. Remember all the goodies you had on your walk. Worship should begin at 7:15 or a little after.

Phone Blasts

If you wish to get a phone reminder of the upcoming Community gatherings, please send me an e-mail telling of the phone number you wish the phone blast to call. Make sure the number will accept a voice message. There were so many incorrect numbers on the database so we are trying to get it updated. My e-mail is

If you have any questions, please feel free to seek me or one of the board members. We do welcome your comments and suggestions. We are still working on putting the Board e –mail information on the Website so you may access it if you want to contact one of us. You know about ideas, easy to come up with; sometimes a little hard to implement. This is a project to be completed.

The Lay Director Selection Committee is meeting to finalize Lay Directors for 2019 and to start on 2020. Please add this Committee to your prayers.

Please continue to keep the Board in your prayers as they go about the business side of Emmaus. And of course, please pray for rain.

De Colores,
Donna Campbell