From the Desk of the Lay Director – May 2018

They say there are only two things in life that are a given: death and taxes. I think there is a third: CHANGE. No one can go through life without change. Some good (thank God for the blessings) and some not so good (Thank God for walking with you during these times.)

I watched the pilgrims’ faces during send off. They waited with apprehension for their name to be called. They trusted their sponsors, but, there still was some uneasiness about the unknown.

When I first started coming to candlelight several years ago, I sat in the back of the church. I got to see the pilgrims’ faces when they first came through the door. Shock, wonderment?

Now, I sit at the front of the church. I do not see the first reaction, but I get a close view of the astonishment on their faces when they are climbing the risers and realize that these people are here for them. Their faces are glowing.

At closing, I get to sit next to them and watch their faces and listen to their testimonies. They are not the same people they were on Thursday night.

They formed a family during the weekend. Staying connected is the key. Please welcome the pilgrims of Men’s Walk #101 into your reunion group or start a reunion group with them. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” – Matthew 18:20

The Chrysalis Community is hosting a fund Raiser on Saturday, May 5 at St Joseph’s Hall (21st and Division, one block west of Mercy Center) from 6 – 7:30 PM. Fajita dinner with all the trimmings. Then stay for candlelight at St Joseph’s Catholic Church at 8:00PM. If you have not been to a Chrysalis candlelight, you will enjoy it. Registration fees for all Chrysalis’ journeys are funded by fund raisers such as this. Please come and support the Chrysalis Community. They are asking for a $10.00 minimum donation.

Want to get involved?

Emmaus is looking for persons to fill the following committee positions:

Reunion Group Coordinator: This person helps keep the reunion lists on the website up to date. Will involve talking to community members about their reunion groups, pass an information sheet around at community and sending the information in to be updated on Website.
This will help babe chicks or other members get connected with a reunion group.

Babe Chick Trainer: This person meets with the babe chicks at the Community meeting at 6:00. They go over reunion groups, sponsorship training and ways to get involved with Emmaus.

Nominations Committee: Emmaus is looking for two people from the Community to serve on the Nominating Committee with the three Board members. This is a one year term and this committee is responsible for nominating Board Members of the Class of 2022 and Lay Directors for the rest of 2019 and for 2020.

Yes, you will get training (and much blessings) on these positions. Emmaus thanks Donna Altman (Babe Chick Trainer) and Lana Cawthron (Reunion Group Coordinator) for your service to Emmaus.

Please contact me or a Board Member if you are interested or want more information. Please pray about filling these positions.

Facebook: Llano Estacado Chrysalis/Emmaus

Upcoming Walks:

June 14-17 Women’s Walk #145
August 2-5 Women’s Walk #146
August 30-Sep 2 Young Women’s Journey #43
September 13-16 Young Men’s Journey #35
September 20-23 Men’s Walk #102

Community Meetings

Thursday, May 3, 2018, St Joseph’s Catholic Church, across from Mercy Center. Please meet at 6:30 for sendoff of the Young Men’s Journey #34 on the Mercy Center Patio followed by worship at 7:15 at St Joseph’s Church. There will be no meal this time, but please consider food agape for the Journey.
Thursday, June 7, 2018, Broadway Church of Christ 1924 Broadway. Bring food for the community meal, which will start at 6:30, followed by worship at 7:15.

If you wish to get a phone reminder of the upcoming Community gatherings, please send me an e-mail telling of the phone number you wish the phone blast to call. Make sure the number will accept a voice message. We are updating the database. My e-mail is

If you have any questions, please feel free to seek me or one of the board members. We do welcome your comments and suggestions.

Please continue to keep the Board in your prayers as they go about the business side of Emmaus.

De Colores,
Donna Campbell