From the Desk of the Lay Director

David Ehlers

September 2024

Greetings all my Emmaus Family,

To start with, here is a list of upcoming fourth day events:

  • September Community will be Sept. 12th (due to Chrysalis send off on the 5th) at Canyon Methodist church located at 217 Farm Road 1729, Lubbock, Texas 79403 (approximately one mile east of Loop 289 on East 4th street) Hope to see you there!! Board meeting at 5:30, Babe chick meeting at 5:45 (hope to see a lot of new babe chicks there and get to know them), Community meal at 6 (Please bring food to share), Worship at 7:15. We will have MW117 there to pray over so please be there for that.
  • Young Ladies Chrysalis 55 is Aug 29th-Sept. 1st at Mercy Center, Jennifer Smith is LD
  • Young Men’s Chrysalis 51 is Sept. 5th – 8th in Slaton as well, Ted Wilson is LD
  • MW 117 is at Mercy Center Sept. 26th-29th. Doug Hlavaty is LD.
  • WW168 is at Mercy Center Oct. 24th -27th Tammy Ward is LD.
  • Epiphany 28 is in Post on Oct. 24th – 27th as well. Tina Wuensche is LD. Please be in Prayer & get your Pilgrims signed up
  • Walk send-off’s start at 6:00; Candlelight services start at 8:00; and Closings are at 4:00

I pray that this newsletter finds you all well and hopefully getting back into the swing of school as well as all the fall activities which are fast approaching. As I look at the list of upcoming events in our Emmaus community alone, I realize how busy we all can be. In praying about what to share this month this keeps coming to mind. Don’t become so busy that you miss the blessings!!

I wish we could have a pause button sometimes, don’t you? As I sit and watch our kids and grandkids grow and mature, I can hardly remember them being little anymore. All the activities we were involved in were good for the most part, yet we rushed through so many of them it’s like we never let them soak in. Today, the world throws so much at us that we can easily get overloaded and miss what God really has planned for us! As we approach Labor Day weekend with all the activities, I pray we can all focus on the BLESSING and not the task. Yes, God has given us all the choice of free will but more importantly he has given us his Holy Spirit to guide us. Sometimes we need to step back and look at what’s important and align our priorities with that of Gods. I always try to have my quiet time in the mornings before the day gets going so that I can at least try to start off in the right direction. It seems to go better most days when I set my eyes on Jesus first! Psalm 23 says it best! Be encouraged knowing that the Lord is our shepherd! So many are dealing with hard things right now and are finding themselves in places they never would have thought they’d be. I don’t know why, but God does! Remember how I talked about how we were so busy we can easily forget or miss the Blessing. I have to say, that I have yet to forget a time when God rescued me or set me free from something that I was dealing with. Meaning that we draw closer to God through our experiences and those difficult times are reminders of how God truly Loves us. Getting in line with his Will takes effort but it’s really for our own good that we do. It’s my Prayer for each of you today and everyday that you find Peace in knowing that God loves you and he has a good and perfect plan for you if only we will seek HIS FACE FIRST! In closing, a couple of old church hymn comes to mind, Victory In Jesus! In short, we are being reminded how he came from Glory to save a wretch like me and you. Another song is Turn Your Eyes Upon JESUS. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His Glory and Grace. And lastly Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow. We can and should always remember that all we really need has already been and is still being provided!

As we prepare for these upcoming activities, I ask you to consider attending the Thursday send-offs, Saturday Candle lights, and Sunday Closings to show your support. Also please remember to pray for the Pilgrims of these walks and those working them. I Pray Blessings and Peace to each of you as we continue our 4th days together.

David Ehlers
Community Lay Director