From the Desk of the Lay Director – Oct 2016

Sheila KirbyHappy Fall Ya’ll! This is my favorite season and I really don’t use that cliché, but it did seem appropriate for an October letter to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus told us in Luke 10:2 that “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” On this beautiful Autumn morning, I think it’s time to remember that, and how it’s our responsibility as followers of Christ to go out into His fields and draw in His people to follow Him. Christ has called us to be His hands and feet, so if we don’t go out there and pick them ya’ll, how are they supposed to know how much Christ loves them and wants them to follow Him too?

This month we have lots of opportunities to do just that. First, please join us this Thursday, October 6, at Westmont Christian Church, 4808 Utica AVE, for our monthly Emmaus Gathering. Emmaus and Kairos boards, be there at 5:30. Babe Chicks, if you have never attended a monthly meeting, need to be there at 6. We’ll share a meal together at 6:30 followed by a wonderful Worship Service at 7. Childcare will be provided. Bring guests! Everyone is always welcome. Don’t forget to bring food!

October 20-23, Women’s Walk #139, will be happening in Slaton. There is plenty of room for pilgrims so GET THOSE APPLICATIONS IN! Scholarship’s are available for half the walk fee. Now’s the time to harvest that crop of beautiful ladies God has been preparing to attend this walk. Teresa Reed and her team are the perfect ones to love on them just the way Christ would. You can download the applications along with sponsor forms and scholarship requests at or come see me Thursday. Please join us for any or all of the weekend activities that you can. Send-off is Thursday October 20, on the Holy Spirit Patio of Mercy Center at 7PM. Candlelight is Saturday, October 22, at St. Joseph’s Church at 8PM, and Closing will be Sunday October 23 at 4PM back at the Church.

This is our final walk for the year. Part of bringing in Christ’s Harvest is to show His love which is what we at the Llano Estacado do best! His love Agape Love! Remember how meaningful all the agape love you received was for you on your weekend? The trinkets, the food, the people, letters? Well now is your time to shine! Please bring your pillow agape, food and drinks to send-off on Thursday. If you can’t go to send-off, you may bring them to Community this week or you can always drop them off at my home. It seems the same groups bring the agape every walk and if you or you reunion group can start providing pillow agape or food items it’s a great way to feel a part of each walk or journey. It’s addictive!!!

This month I want to welcome David Hunt as the new Lay Director for Chrysalis. I can’t wait to get to know him and hear all about his journey. Be sure and seek him out and welcome him as well.

So, Happy Fall Ya’ll. I’ll see you soon. If you ever want to get started in a reunion group or start your own, make agape or if you’ve been out of pocket for a while just let me know and I’ll be happy to help you get plugged in!

Sheila Kirby