From the Desk of the Lay Director – May 2014

Man in Prayer“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:22

Prayer…..that is what the Walk to Emmaus is founded on. I feel that we as a community have gotten away from that a little bit. I think we have all gotten busy and have allowed ourselves to become a little lackadaisical in this area. Ok, maybe not “we” as in “all” of us….let me just say me, I am guilty of that for sure. How many times do I sit back and think about a prayer request someone has made and think to myself, “ah, somebody will pray for them.” I have done it more than once for sure. Now make no mistake, if I tell you that I am praying for you, it is happening, but oftentimes I say nothing and then do nothing.

I am pleading with all of you to please be in fervent prayer for our community. I do not understand the decline we continue to have in our monthly meetings, our walks, etc. We had to postpone the April men’s walk until September for lack of participation. That means there will only be 2 men’s walks this year and January wasn’t full either. This troubles me deeply and I have no answer other than to believe that I, as your community lay director for the past year, failed miserably in my job.

All of my life, growing up in scouting then continuing on with my son’s scouting, I learned to always leave things better than you found them. I honestly do not feel that I am leaving this community better than I found it. I think there have been some improvements made, but overall I do not believe it is better. I began my term with this question and I will end it the same way. What can we as your servants do to make our community better? What can we do to get it back to a thriving, healthy community? Feel free to call me 806-781-6809 or email Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Having said all that, please welcome and be in prayer for B.J. Schilling as he takes over the role of community lay director. My prayers are with you B.J. and I look forward to seeing what God does through you this year!

Love and blessings,

Chad Oglesby